TAA Tools
CPYCL           COPY CL                                TAASRCZ

The CPYCL  command allows you  to copy in  source from another  member.
CPYCL acts somewhat as an 'include' or the RPG /COPY statement.

The normal  solution when you  have some standard source  that you want
to  copy into a CL program is to use  the SEU copy function (F15).  The
disadvantage to  this is  that when  the standard  source changes,  you
have a lot  or work to find all  of the places where you  have done the
copy, change the source of many members, and do the re-creates.

The  advantage  of CPYCL  is  that  you can  significantly  reduce your
effort when the standard source must be changed.

CPYCL Function

The CPYCL function is not the  same as an 'include' like the RPG  /COPY
statement.  In some ways it is actually better.

The major  difference is  that the  CPYCL command  is not  part of  the
CRTCLPGM  function.  Therefore, you  must remember to  use CPYCL before
creating the program.

Once you have  used CPYCL, the  standard source exists  in your  normal
source member.   The standard  source acts as  normal source so  if you
create the program, you get the desired results.

If  the  standard  source is  changed,  there  is  a special  companion
command  (CRTCPYCL) which is described later  that will do the work for
you of  finding the  places where you  have used  the standard  source,
refreshing the source member, and re-creating the CL programs.

If  you use  a function  like the  RPG /COPY  and your  standard source
changes,  you  must  determine all  of  the places  you  have  used the
function and re-create the programs  one at a time.  CRTCPYCL  provides
a better solution than this.

Special comment  statements are used to  describe what must  be copied.
Assume  you  are  entering  source  into  MBR1  and  want to  copy  the
contents of STDSRC1.   In MBR1,  you would enter  the special  STRCPYCL
comment at the location you wanted STDSRC1 copied.

                          CALL    PGMA
      /*STRCPYCL STDSRC1      */
                          CALL    PGMB

After you end SEU, use CPYCL against the same member.


CPYCL  reads the  MBR1  source and  looks  for the  special  statement.
When  it is  found, the  source is  extracted  from STDSRC1  and copied
into  the MBR1  source.  The  STRCPYCL comment is  changed slightly and
an ENDCPYCL comment is added.

In the  actual  implementation, CPYCL  command  reads your  source  and
splits it to 3 different temporary members:

        - PGM, DCL, and DCLF commands
        - Program level MONMSG commands
        - All others

When  the special  copy statement  is  found, the  statements are  read
from  the specified member  and are added  to one of  the appropriate 3
temporary members.   When  all statements  have been  copied and  there
are  no  errors,  the  3 temporary  members  are  merged  together  and
written back  to your source member.   The source statements are always
renumbered 1.00, 2.00 etc.   See the later  discussion on writing to  a
different member.

Thus you can  have DCL statements  and program level  MONMSG statements
in your  standard source and they  will be copied to  the correct place
in  the final source.  See the later  discussion of how 'copied in' DCL
and MONMSG commands must appear.

The results in MBR1 would look like this:

                          CALL    PGMA
      /*STRCPYCL - FOLLOWS - STDSRC1                    */
           .                 The source from STDSRC1
      /*ENDCPYCL    */
                          CALL    PGMB

The purpose of  changing the STRCPYCL  comment and adding the  ENDCPYCL
comment allows  you to see  what was copied  as standard source  and to
provide  a boundary  for refreshing  the standard source.   If  you run
CPYCL again, it  will remove  all of  the standard source  and copy  in
the current  contents of  STDSRC1.  You  should not  change any  of the
standard source statements for this reason.

You  can  have  as  many STRCPYCL  comments  in  one  source member  as
needed.  Each time you use CPYCL,  it will refresh the source from  the
members you name on the STRCPYCL comments.

The STRCPYCL  comment  may not  exist in  the source  being copied  (No
nesting is allowed).

To assist  you in specifying  the STRCPYCL comment  correctly, there is
a very rigid syntax of the STRCPYCL comment.

     - It must begin in position 1
     - The exact characters /*STRCPYCL must be used
     - There must be one (and only one) blank before the member name
     - There must be at least one blank after the member name
     - There must be at least one blank after the optional file name
     - Because STRCPYCL is a comment, it must end with a */

By  default, CPYCL will  look for your  member name in  the same source
file as  the member  named on CPYCL.   You  can optionally  add a  file
name or a qualified file name.

The three valid choices would look like:

      /*STRCPYCL MBR1                                   */
      /*STRCPYCL MBR1   QCLSRC                          */
      /*STRCPYCL MBR1     LIB1/QCLSRC                   */

There must  be at least one blank  after the member name  and after the
file  name.  There  can be no  other characters in the  line other than
the ending */.

Invalid syntax:

1.        /*STRCPYCL MBR1                       */
2.    /*STRCPYCL    MBR1                        */
5.    /*STRCPYCL MBR1     LIB1/                 */
6.    /*STRCPYCL MBR1     LIB1/QCLSRC  XXX      */

Invalid reasons:

     1. The /*STRCPYCL does not start in pos 1.
     2. There is more than one space before MBR1.
     3. There is no blank after the file name.
     4. There is no ending */.
     5. There is no file name.
     6. There are other characters after the file name.

When CPYCL has  copied the source  into your program  it adds the  text
'- FOLLOWS  -' right after  the STRCPYCL  text and retains  your member
name  (also  library/file  if specified).    You  should  not make  any
changes to the  STRCPYCL or  ENDCPYCL comments.   They  must exist  'as
is' in order for CPYCL to be used again on the same source.

If you  want to delete all  of the copied  in source (and  the ENDCPYCL
comment),  you should  change  the STRCPYCL  comment to  look  like the
version  before CPYCL is used.   For normal use, there  is no reason to
do this.   If the  standard source  changes, you  just use CPYCL  again
and it will refresh the source.

If you want  to prevent the use of CPYCL, just  remove the STRCPYCL and
ENDCPYCL  comments.  The copied in source  is now part of your program.

CPYCL will ensure  that if a  FOLLOWS comment exists,  that there  must
be a matching ENDCPYCL statement.

You can have  GOTO or just a label  in your standard source as  long as
the final source makes sense to the compiler.

You  can have  DCL, DCLF,  and  program level  MONMSG commands  in your
standard source  to  be copied.    For example,  your  standard  source
might looks like:

            DCL           &VAR1 *CHAR LEN(5)
            DCL           &VAR2 *CHAR LEN(10)
            MONMSG        MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(GOTO ERROR)
            CHGVAR        &VAR1 &VAR2
            CHKOBJ        OBJ(XXX) OBJTYPE(*PGM)
            MONMSG        MSGID(CPF9801)

The program level  MONMSG must appear before any  executable statements
in  your standard  source.   The  MONMSG  command for  CPF0000  in this
example  would  be considered  a  program level  MONMSG.   It  would be
merged into the  source after any  program level MONMSG commands  found
in your normal source member.

When CPYCL  is copying the DCL  and MONMSG commands  from your standard
source,  it adds a  special comment  to the beginning  of the statement
to designate that  it is  from a 'copied  in' member.   After CPYCL  is
run, your source would appear as:

            DCL           ...  /* From your normal source */
/*CPYCL*/   DCL           &VAR1 *CHAR LEN(5)
/*CPYCL*/   DCL           &VAR2 *CHAR LEN(10)
            MONMSG        ...  /* From your normal source */

The special  /*CPYCL*/ statement is  necessary to allow  the previously
copied  in DCLs  and program  level MONMSG commands  to be  removed the
next time CPYCL  is run (if  ever).   This allows any  changes in  your
standard source (e.g.  a  deletion of a DCL statement) to  be picked up

Because of  the technique used, you  cannot have any data  in the first
ten  positions  of a  'copied in'  DCL, DCLF,  or program  level MONMSG
command.  If  you do, an  error will be  sent and your  original source
will remain as is.

Using a different To file

By  default, CPYCL  will write  back  to the  same member  in the  same
file.    You  can  name a  different  TOSRCF  and  write  to a  totally
different source file (The  same member name is  always used).  If  the
combination  of  the  file  and library  names  differ,  you  can  also
specify  DROPSTRCPY(*YES) which  will cause  the STRCPYCL  and ENDCPYCL
comments to be dropped.  The /*CPYCL*/ comments are also dropped.

The intent of this approach  is to allow you  to generate source as  if
it appears not to use the CPYCL approach.

If  you  drop  the STRCPYCL/ENDCPYCL  comments,  the  CRTCPYCL  command
cannot be  used because it is dependent on  their existence in order to
re-create the programs.

You  cannot use DROPSTRCPY(*YES)  when writing back  to the same member
in the same file.

You should only  use DROPSTRCPY when you  have your own create  process
that will generate all the programs from your source.


The  CRTCPYCL  command  is the  companion  command  to  CPYCL.   It  is
intended  to be  used when you  have changed  the standard  source.  At
that point  you  want  to  find  all of  the  programs  that  used  the
standard source and  get them re-created with the  new standard source.

You  can use CRTCPYCL for  a single program,  but the real  power is to
use it against all programs in a library.

Assume the following:

  **   CPYCL was  used to  copy  in some  standard source  for  several

  **   All  of  the  programs are  part  of  an  application  set  that
       resides in LIBX.

  **   The name  of the standard  source members are  STDSRC1, STDSRC2,
       and STDSRC3.

  **   A  change needs to  be made to  the STDSRC1 source  member.  You
       make the change.

  **   All  of  the  programs  in  LIBX  that  use  STDSRC1  should  be

The CRTCPYCL command makes it easy.  All you say is:


CRTCPYCL does the following:

  **   Builds an outfile of all the program objects in the library.

  **   Finds  the  CLP  types  and  uses  the  outfile  information  to
       determine  the  source  member  that  was  used  to  create  the

  **   Ensures that the source member  exists (see later discussion  of
       source archive) and  that you have authorization  to replace the

  **   Searches  the  source  looking  for  STRCPYCL  comment  and  the
       member you named (STDSRC1).

  **   If it finds  a member  with a  match, it uses  CPYCL to  refresh
       the  source.   The  causes  the new  source  for STDSRC1  to  be
       inserted  in   your  member.     If  you  have   other  STRCPYCL
       statements  in your source, they will  also be refreshed.  CPYCL
       always refreshes everything.

       If  the standard  source  name  you  specified  does  not  exist
       within  the source, CPYCL  is not  used.   You can  specify that
       *ANY  standard   source  be  refreshed  in  which  case  if  any
       STRCPYCL comments exist, CPYCL will be used.

  **   The TAA  Tool RPLPGM is  used to  replace the  program.   RPLPGM
       captures  the  attributes  of  the  program  (e.g.    LOGCL  and
       ALWRTVSRC)   and    uses   them   on   the   CRTCLPGM   command.
       REPLACE(*YES) is specified  so the  old version  of the  program
       is  moved  to   QRPLOBJ.    Any  security   information  (USRPRF
       parameter,   authorizations,  USEADPAUT  function)   remain  the
       same.   If  the program was  optimized or  had its observability
       removed by the CHGPGM  command, those functions are done  to the
       new program.

  **   If  DLTSPLF(*YES)   is  specified  (it  is   the  default),  the
       compiler  spooled files  for  successfully created  programs are

  **   A printed listing  occurs which includes  both the CLP  programs
       that  did  not  use  the STDSRC1  member  and  those  that  did.
       Totals are generated and any errors are listed.

The  source for  your programs must  exist in  the same library  as was
used to initially  create the program.   There is  an exception if  the
source archive is used.  See the later discussion.

If you used CRTDUPOBJ,  the original source information is  retained in
the  new object.   It is  accessed and  the duplicate program  would be
re-created from the original source.

STRCPYCL  does not adopt any  authority.  If you  are not authorized to
*OBJEXIST for any program, an error will occur.

CPYCL Command parameters                              *CMD

CPYCL must be  used before  you create the  CL program.   It will  copy
the  source  from the  members  you  have  described with  the  special
STRCPYCL comment.

   SRCMBR        The  name  of  your source  member  that  contains the
                 STRCPYCL comment.  One  or more STRCPYCL comments  may

   FROMSRCF      The  qualified name  of your  From source  file.   The
                 file  defaults to QCLSRC  and the  library defaults to
                 *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may  also be  used  as  the  library

   CPYCOMMNTS    Whether  comments in  the  standard source  should  be
                 copied.    *DROPSPC  (Drop  special)  is  the  default
                 which   copies  all  comments   except  the  specially
                 defined comments (See  the later section).   *NO means
                 no comments  are copied.   *YES means that  all source
                 and comments are copied.

   TOSRCF        The  qualified  name  of  the  To  source  file.   The
                 default is *SAME  meaning that  the same  name as  the
                 FROMSRCF parameter  is used.   If the library  name is
                 blank, the  same library as the  FROMSRCF parameter is

                 The TOSRCF parameter  does not appear  on the  command
                 prompt unless you use F9 or F10.

   DROPSTRCPY    Whether to  drop the  STRCPYCL/ENDCPYCL statements  in
                 the  source.  The  default is *NO.   *YES may  only be
                 specified  when  the  combination of  the  source file
                 and library  names  differ  between the  From  and  To
                 files (you  are writing  to a different  source file).
                 Specifying  *YES  prevents  the  use  of  the CRTCPYCL
                 command.   *YES also  eliminates the  special  comment
                 /*CPYCL*/  placed  on  copied  DCL  or  program  level
                 MONMSG  commands.   See  the  previous  discussion for
                 Using a different TO file.

                 The  DROPSTRCPY  parameter  does  not  appear  on  the
                 command prompt unless you use F9 or F10.

CRTCPYCL Command parameters                           *CMD

   PGM           The  qualified program  name  to  be recreated.    The
                 program  must exist.   The special  value *ALL  may be
                 entered.    The library  defaults  to *LIBL.   *CURLIB
                 may also be used.

   STRCPYCL      The  name  of   the  standard  source  member   to  be
                 searched  for.     The  special  value   *ANY  may  be
                 specified.     This  means  that   if  any  CL  source
                 contains the STRCPYCL comment,  CPYCL will be  invoked
                 and the program will be re-created.

   CPYCOMMNTS    This is  the same  value as the  CPYCL command  and is
                 just passed thru.  See the CPYCL definition.

   DLTSPLF       A  *YES/*NO value  for whether  the spooled  files for
                 successfully created  CL programs  should be  deleted.
                 The  default is  *YES.    This  cleans up  the  output
                 queue  so that only  those programs which  have failed
                 to  create will  have spooled  files.   *NO causes all
                 spooled files to be retained.

   SRCARCLIB     The source  archive library.   The  default is  *NONE.
                 See the later discussion of the source archive.


  **   The  CPYCL  command  must  be  used before  you  create  the  CL
       program.    Unless you  are  changing the  standard  source, you
       never need to consider CPYCL  again for the same source  member.

  **   If  you  change the  standard  source,  you  need to  run  CPYCL
       again.  The simplest solution is to use CRTCPYCL.

  **   The  standard source  being copied  may  not contain  a STRCPYCL
       comment (no nesting).

  **   CRTCPYCL requires that  the source  exist in the  same file  and
       member that  was used to  originally create  the object.   There
       is an  exception if the source  archive is used.   See the later

  **   If  you  specify  DROPSTRCPY(*YES)  on  the  CPYCL  command, you
       cannot use  the  CRTCPYCL  command as  it  is dependent  on  the
       STRCPYCL/ENDCPYCL comments being in the source.

Copying comments

The  CPYCOMMNTS  parameter lets  you  control  how  comments should  be
handled in the standard source being copied.

CPYCOMMNTS(*YES) copies both source and comments.

CPYCOMMNTS(*NO)  does  not  copy  comments  (only  source  statements).
However, the definition of  a 'comment' as used  by CPYCL differs  from
normal CL.   A  comment is  defined to  be starting  with a  /* as  the
first  2 characters  on the source  statement.   A comment  cannot span
two lines  with a  plus or  minus  symbol.   It cannot  contain  actual

CPYCOMMNTS(*DROPSPC) is  the  default and  allows you  to have  special
comments that  will not be copied.   The special comment  must begin in
position 1 with /*CPYCMNT.  All other comments are copied.

The comments must look like:

   /* I am comment - 1 */
         /* I am comment - 2. I can start anywhere */
   /*CPYCMNT - I am a special comment. I must start in pos 1 */

If CPYCOMMNTS(*YES) is specified, all above comments are copied.

If  CPYCOMMNTS(*NO)  is  specified,  none  of  the  above  comments are

If CPYCOMMNTS(*DROPSPC) is specified,  only the first two comments  are
copied.  This  lets you have comments in  the standard source beginning
with  /*CPYCMNT explaining  what the  source does without  copying them
when CPYCL is used.

Note that  if  you specify  a  comment after  a  command (on  the  same
line), it  is considered to  be part of  the source statement  and will
always be copied.  The following are examples of this.

              CALL PGMA   /* This comment is always copied */
              CALL PGMB   /* This comment is always copied +
                   including the overflow on the next line */

The  following  is a  good  CL statement,  but  would be  treated  as a
comment by CPYCL.

         /* Beginning comment */   CALL PGMA

Source Archive

The source  archive  is  a  TAA  Tool that  will  allow  you  to  store
versions of source  in an archive.   Members in source files  that have
not  been used for  sometime may be  automatically removed so  that the
only copy exists is in the archive.

If  you are using the source archive,  the CRTCPYCL command may need to
check the  source for a  CL member that  no longer  exists in a  source
member, but is still in the source archive.

If  you specify  a library  for the  SRCARCLIB parameter,  the CRTCPYCL
command will do the following:

  **   If  the source member does not  exist, the CPYSRCARCM command is
       used for  source  archive in  the library  you  named.   If  the
       member exists, it  is copied out to  the file and member  it was
       archived from.

  **   CPYCL  is   used  to  determine  if  the   source  needs  to  be

  **   If so, the  source is  refreshed to  the member  and the  member
       would  remain.    The archive  is  not  updated  (daily  use  of
       UPDSRCARC would pick up the change).

  **   If  the proper  STRCPYCL function  is not  found, the  member is
       removed  (if  it  had been  copied  out).   The  archive version
       still exists, and you are  back where you started from  for this
       member.    The  member  create  date would  be  changed  in  the
       archive, but this would have no effect.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ALCTMPMBR    Allocate temporary member
     CHKJOBCTL    Check job control
     EDTVAR       Edit variable
     HLRMVMSG     HLL Remove message
     RPLPGM       Replace program
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG   Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message
     SRCARC       Source archive


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYCL         *CMD                       TAASRCZ       QATTCMD
   CRTCPYCL      *CMD                       TAASRCZ2      QATTCMD
   TAASRCZC      *PGM           CLP         TAASRCZC      QATTCL
   TAASRCZC2     *PGM           CLP         TAASRCZC2     QATTCL
   TAASRCZR      *PGM           RPG         TAASRCZR      QATTRPG
   TAASRCZR2     *PGM           RPG         TAASRCZR2     QATTRPG
   TAASRCZR3     *PGM           RPG         TAASRCZR3     QATTRPG


CPYCL      Cmd


Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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