TAA Tools
CRTCLPDCL       CREATE CLP DCL                         TAACLRG

The Create  CLP DCL  command creates  CLP DCL statements  based on  the
field  definitions  of an  externally  described data  base  file.   An
option  exists to define a CLP data  structure.  The DCL statements are
added to  the end of  an existing  source member.   The statements  can
then be  moved by  a source editor  to the DCL  section of  the source.
CRTCLPDCL  may be useful when dealing with  an external definition of a
data base file or a data area.

Assume a physical file named FILEA is defined as:

     A          R FILEARCD
     A            CHAR1          5
     A            DEC1           3  0



The defaults  assume you  will be  using the  TAA CLPDBR  tool to  work
with the file.

The following DCL statements  would be added at the end of  MBR1 in the
QCLSRC file (2 blank lines precede the source):

                        /* Defined from FILEA in XXXX               */
                        /*  Start CRTCLPDCL definitions - 09/01/09  */
             DCL        VAR(&FILEARCD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(7)
             DCL        VAR(&CHAR1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5) STG(*DEFINED) +
                          DEFVAR(&FILEARCD 1)
             DCL        VAR(&DEC1) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) STG(*DEFINED) +
                          DEFVAR(&FILEARCD 6)
                        /* End of CRTCLPDCL definitions             */

Using  a   source  editor,  you  would  move   the  statements  to  the
appropriate place in the program.

When using the  CLPDBR tool, the  record would be be  read and  written
using the  &FILEARCD variable  The individual  fields (such as  &CHAR1)
would be be used normally.

Note that the CL compiler data structure is supported as of V5R4.

Support of binary field type

CL does  not support a  binary data type.   It does support  *INT as of
V5R3.   Binary fields are  changed to *INT types  and a special comment
is added.

Unsupported data types

Because CL  only supports  *CHAR, *DEC, *LGL,  and *INT  (as of  V5R3),
any  unsupported field  types (such  as a  Date/Time field)  are turned
into *CHAR fields and a special comment is output.

CRTCLPDCL escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The   externally  described  file   to  extract  field
                 definitions from.   The  file may  be either  a PF  or
                 LF, but only contain a single format.

                 The library  defaults to  *LIBL.   A specific  library
                 or *CURLIB may be entered.

   SRCMBR        The  member of the  source file to  be added to.   The
                 member must  exist.    The statements  will  be  added
                 after  the  last  existing  record  (if  any)  in  the
                 source member.

   SRCFILE       The name  of the source file containing  the member to
                 be  added  to.    The  source  file  name  defaults to
                 QCLSRC.  The library  qualifier defaults to *LIBL.   A
                 specific library or *CURLIB may be entered.

   DSNAME        The  name  of the  data  structure  to  be used  as  a
                 variable  name.  It is always  created as a *CHAR type
                 variable.   For  the length  assigned, see  the  DSLEN

                 *FILEFMT  is the  default  meaning  the record  format
                 name  is used  as the  variable name  for the  CL data
                 structure.  For example,  if the externally  described
                 file format  name is  ABC, the  variable &ABC will  be
                 used as  the data structure  name.  The  fields within
                 the  external  file  description will  be  declared to
                 exist within the data structure.

                 A specific name  may be entered.   This could be  used
                 to prevent  two data  structures from having  the same
                 name.      The  fields   within   the   external  file
                 description will  be  declared  to  exist  within  the
                 data structure.

                 *NONE may  be used to mean  a data structure  will not
                 be declared.   Variables for the  individual fields in
                 an external  description  will be  declared,  but  not
                 used in a data structure.

   DSLEN         The  length  of  the variable  assigned  as  the  data
                 structure  name.     This  parameter   is  ignored  if
                 DSNAME(*NONE) is specified.

                 *CLPDBR  is the  default meaning  the intended  use of
                 the data  structure is with  the TAA  CLPDBR tool.   A
                 length of  5000 will be  assigned which is  the length
                 required by the CLPDBR tool.

                 *FILEFMT  may be specified  to mean the  length of the
                 externally described  file format.   This  would be  a
                 good choice if  using an externally described  file to
                 map the contents of a data structure.

                 Note  that you  cannot assign  a specific  length with
                 this parameter.    If  you  want  a  specific  length,
                 change  the   generated   value  after   the  use   of


  **   The source member must exist.

  **   Only a single format file may be specified.

  **   Because  CL only supports  *CHAR, *DEC,  and *INT (as  of V5R3),
       any  unsupported  field types  (such as  a Date/Time  field) are
       turned into *CHAR fields and a special comment is output.

  **   The source file must be at least 92 bytes in length.

  **   The maximum  size  decimal field  allowed  in an  external  file
       description cannot  exceed the maximum sizes provided  by the CL
       compiler.    For example,  a  decimal  field may  not  exceed 15
       digits with 9 decimals.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove messages
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTCLPDCL     *CMD                   TAACLRG       QATTCMD
   TAACLRGC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLRGC      QATTCL
   TAACLRGR      *PGM       RPG         TAACLRGR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools December 1, 2004

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