TAA Tools

The Create Subfile  Program command creates a file  maintenance program
which  uses  a subfile.    A  keyed file  must  be  specified.   Simple
validity  checking, lower case, and edit  codes may be specified.  Both
display  file  and RPG  program  source  are  generated  and  then  the
objects are  created.  You may need  to modify the code  to provide for
such things as advanced validity checking.

A  second command RPLSFLPGM  exists to  allow a replace  of the objects
if you modify the source.   See the later discussion of the  'RPLSFLPGM
command'  and   how  it   differs  from  the   CRTSFLPGM  REPLACE(*YES)
function.    See  also the  alternative  section  on  'Using the  ARRLF

A typical subfile display would look like:

*                                                                    *
*           The Salesman List          FILEA in LIBX     SYSTEM1     *
*                                                 12/04/09  10:15:00 *
*   Pos to:  State: IL  City: Chicago                                *
*                   __        _____________                          *
*                                                                    *
*   Type options, press Enter.                                       *
*        2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   7=Rename         *
*                                                                    *
*   Opt  State   City              Sales person      Supervisor      *
*    _    IL     Chicago           Joe Smith         Ed Jones        *
*    _    IL     Highland Park     Mary Brown        Wilbur Wood     *
*    _    IL     Western Springs   Tom Thumb         Ed Jones        *
*    _    .       .                 .                 .              *
*                                                                    *
*   F3=Exit   F6=Add   F7=Display file information   F12=Cancel      *
*                                                                    *

The 'Position  To'  fields  at  the top  would  allow  for  changes  to
re-position the subfile.   The options  are similar to  any maintenance
display such  as option '5 = Display' would  display the entire record.
The  F6  key  would display  a  prompt  screen to  allow  adding  a new

Either RPG or RPGLE source and object may be produced.

Not every file  or field can  be processed.   See the later  section on

Getting started

  **   Determine the  name of a simple  keyed file that you  would like
       to  try CRTSFLPGM on.  Either a  physical file or a logical file
       with a single format may be used.

       The name FILEA  is used in  the following discussion  and has  2
       key fields.   Assume that all objects  to be used exist  in LIBX
       which is  on the library list and  all objects created will also
       exist in LIBX.

  **   Enter the CRTSFLPGM command:

            CRTSFLPGM    FILE(FILEA) TITLE('Subfile Pgm for FILEA')

  **   The CRTSFLPGM command  uses the  file definition  to generate  a
       proposed layout for the  'position to' and subfile layout.   The
       sample layouts and a menu are displayed.

*                                                                    *
*  TAA Create Subfile Program - Menu     FILEA in LIBX      SYSTEM1  *
*                                                 7/19/09   6:54:22  *
*                          --- Sample 'Position to' line ---         *
*   Pos to:  State: xx  City: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        *
*                                                                    *
*                            --- Sample Subfile Columns ---          *
*   Opt  State   City              Sales person              Sup...  *
*    x    xx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     xxx...  *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* Select one of the following:                                       *
*                                                                    *
*     1.  Create subfile program                                     *
*     2.  Change 'Position to' line                                  *
*     3.  Change Subfile line                                        *
*     4.  Change field options for Display/Change/Add                *
*                                                                    *
* Selection                                                          *
* ===> 1                                                             *
*      _                                                             *
*                                                                    *
* F1=Help     F3=Exit     F12=Cancel                                 *
*                                                                    *

  **   The 'position  to' sample is  made up of  as many key  fields as
       fit  on  one line.    In the  example,  there are  only  two key
       fields and they fit.

       The subfile  columns are  made up of  the fields  as defined  in
       the data base file for as many as fit.

       The menu options  2-4 allow you to change  the descriptive text,
       re-design  the subfile  columns,  and add  field options.   This

         --   The 'position to' prompt text.   Up to 15 characters  may
              be entered.

         --   The subfile  columns and headings.   The fields  that are
              used   for   the   column   headings   may  be   changed,
              re-ordered, and  revisions  made to  the  column  heading
              text.  The width  of the column may also  be increased to
              allow  a longer description  or in preparation  for using
              a  work field instead  of the data base  field.  The same
              layout  will  be  used  for  the   'Confirm  of  Deletes'

              One line  of column  headings is standard.   Space  for 2
              additional  lines may be requested  on CRTSFLPGM, but the
              actual additional text  must be  entered by changing  the
              display  file   source.    See   the  later   section  on
              'Multiple lines of column heading'.

         --   A  change may  be made  to  the detail  descriptions that
              appear on the  Detail and  Change/Add displays,  validity
              checking, the  edit code  to be  used, and whether  lower
              case  is needed.   Validity  checking includes  whether a
              character  field  is  required (non-blank)  and  must not
              have  any blank  characters.    Other  validity  checking
              allows   simple  comparisons   (*NE,   *GT  ...),   range
              checking,  a list  of up  to 16  valid entries,  and date

       See the later section on  'Sample displays and menu' for a  more
       detail discussion.

       To  help you  understand  the simplest  use  of CRTSFLPGM,  just
       take the defaults.

  **   When  option 1  is used,  the  source would  be generated  and a
       display  file  and  program  would  be  created  in  the  object

  **   By default  the first  QDDSSRC and  QRPGSRC files  found on  the
       library  list would  be used  for the  new  source members.   By
       default,  the  display file  name  assigned would  be  the keyed
       file name with a 'D'  added at the end.  Since the  example uses
       FILEA  as the  keyed file  name, FILEAD  would be  used  for the
       DSPF  source.  The RPG name defaults  to use the keyed file name
       or FILEA in the example.   The same names would be used for  the
       created display  file and  the RPG program.   The  spooled files
       created by the CRT commands may be displayed.

  **   The SFLPGM  spooled file is also output  to provide a summary of
       the results.

       Use WRKSPLF to  display the  SFLPGM spooled file.   The  spooled
       file describes  the  input parameters  and the  key fields  that
       exist in  the file.   Any errors are  noted such as  a field was
       dropped  or is too long to be  considered in the subfile.  Lines
       are printed  for whether the  display file  and the RPG  program
       have been successfully created.

  **   An escape  message would  be issued by  CRTSFLPGM if  either the
       display file or the RPG program fail to create.

  **   A  different  escape  message would  occur  if  there  are error
       messages  described  in  the  listing  (such  as  a  field   was

  **   Call the generated program:

            CALL      PGM(FILEA)

       The  subfile  would  display  the  data  from  the  FILEA  file.
       Typical options to work with the records are supported.

The generated display file and program

  **   The  first member  of the  keyed  file is  opened.   A different
       member or file may be processed.   See the section on  'Override
       processing at run time'.

       The file is  processed by key and  a second version of  the same
       file is  processed by arrival sequence.   The generated RPG code
       uses  the name TAASTDHA  for the arrival  sequence file, but the
       file is  overridden before it  is opened to  use the keyed  file
       name.   The record format used  for TAASTDHA is generated  to be
       the same as the keyed file.

  **   A   'display   only'   version   is   available  by   specifying
       ALWCHG(*NO)  on  CRTSFLPGM.    This  provides  the   '5=Display'
       option.   No  other  options  would exist  nor  the  F6 key  for

  **   The  text that  appears  on the  display for  the  'Position to'
       prompts,  the   subfile   headings,   and   the   detail   field
       descriptions use the following rules:

         --   The column headings are used if they exist.

         --   If no column  headings exist, the field  text description
              is used.

         --   If  no column  headings and  no text  description exists,
              the field name is used.

       The  descriptions are truncated  if they are too  long.  See the
       section on 'Formatting rules'.

  **   The subfile  display will  contain as  many of  the fields  from
       the data  base file  as will fit.   The order  of the  fields in
       the  data base file  determines how they appear  when the sample
       is first  displayed.   Only  fields that  are 50  characters  or
       less will  be considered for  the columns  of the subfile.   The
       sequence  and  column headings  of  the subfile  may  be changed
       using Option 3 of the CRTSFLPGM menu.  of CRTSFLPGM.

       Data may not be changed on  the subfile display.  Use "Option  2
       = Change" to change a record.

  **   "Position To"  fields are generated  at the  top of the  display
       for  as  many  key  fields  as  fit  on  one line.    Up  to  15
       characters  of description may  be entered.   The colon is added

       The user may  use these fields to  re-position the subfile.   If
       the  key   fields  specified  do  not  exist,   the  subfile  is
       positioned to the record prior to the key specified.

       A 'page at a time' subfile is used.

       Rollup  and rolldown from  the 'positioned to'  record is valid.

  **   A one line column heading is  used for the subfile fields.   See
       the later section  on 'Formatting rules' and  'Multiple lines of
       column headings'.

  **   The PRINT key is valid on any display.

  **   A Detail  display is generated for use  by "Option 5 = Display".
       Up to  20  screens  of  fields  for  the  same  record  will  be
       generated.   The  Rollup  and  Rolldown  keys are  supported  if
       multiple screens exist.

       The following is an example:

*                                                                   *
*               The Salesman List                         1 of 1    *
*                                                                   *
*   State . . . . . . . . . :   IL                                  *
*   City  . . . . . . . . . :   Chicago                             *
*   Sales person  . . . . . :   Joe Smith                           *
*   Supervisor  . . . . . . :   Ed Jones                            *
*   Amount  . . . . . . . . :         .00                           *
*                                                                   *
*                                                                   *
*   F3=Exit     F12=Cancel     Press Enter to continue              *
*                                                                   *

       One line  on the screen is  used for both the text  and data for
       each  field that is  50 characters or less.   Fields larger than
       50 characters are  provided for by  using a standard first  line
       and then  multiple lines of 80  characters per line.   A maximum
       of 15 lines per screen will be generated.

  **   A  Change/Add display is  generated for  use by the  "Option 2 =
       Change" and "F6 = Add" functions.   The design of the screen  is
       the same as for the "Option 5 = Display" function.

       If Option  2 to  Change a  record occurs and  the record  is not
       changed,  no change  occurs to  the data base  and a  message is
       sent describing that no change occurred.

       When adding records,  F18 may  be used to  duplicate the  fields
       from the previously added record.

  **   All display  file fields use  the REF DDS  keyword and name  the
       specified  keyed file.   This causes  the system to  extract the
       information  stored with  the file  including the  edit code and
       any validity  checking.   If a decimal  field does  not have  an
       edit code specified,  a 'J' edit code is used.   You may specify
       an edit code using Option 4 of the CRTSFLPGM menu.

       Data  Base DDS does  not allow the  specification of  a field to
       be keyed in lower case.   A request for lower case entry may  be
       made using Option 4 of the CRTSFLPGM menu.

  **   A  message  subfile  is  used  for  the  messages  sent  to  the
       subfile, Detail, and Change/Add displays.

  **   Special displays  are created for "Option 3  = Copy" and "Option
       7 = Rename".   The  prompts describe  the existing  and new  key
       fields to assist the user in entering the right values.

       Note  that a  'rename'  may  also occur  by  using "Option  2  =
       Change"  and  changing the  key  fields.   "Option  7 =  Rename"
       provides a simpler solution.

  **   Options  are  only displayed  if the  user  is authorized.   For
       example, if the  user has only *USE  authority to the data  base
       files, only "Option  5 = Display" is valid.   See the section on

  **   If  the file has unique  keys, a special  display will appear if
       a duplicate key is attempted to be added.

  **   When a 'change' option is  requested, the appropriate record  is
       read without  a lock and the  original version is stored  in the
       program.   This avoids locking  the record for a  long period of
       time while the user  makes a decision.   When Enter is  pressed,
       the record is accessed again for update (causing a lock).

       If the  record  lock is  obtained and  the  versions agree,  the
       changes  are  made and  the  record  is  updated (releasing  the

       If  the record  lock is obtained  and the  versions differ (some
       other job has  updated the record  between the two accesses),  a
       special  display appears,  the  changes are  discarded, and  the
       record  is re-accessed  (without a  lock) to  allow the  user to
       re-enter any changes.

       If the record lock cannot  be obtained, the TAA LOCKMSG  display
       appears  informing the  user.   Several  options  exist such  as
       'retry' and 'send a message to the user who holds the lock'.

  **   If  a  field  in  the record  is  changed  that  appears in  the
       subfile, the subfile  data is changed  when it is  re-displayed.

  **   If  one  or more  "Option  4  =  Delete" requests  are  made,  a
       "Confirmation"  display appears  and the  user must  confirm the

       If  a record to be deleted  is locked, a special display appears
       and the delete request is rejected.

       If the record to  be deleted violates a 'referential  integrity'
       check,  a special  display  appears and  the  delete request  is

  **   If  a record appears  in the subfile,  it may be  deleted by the
       time the user attempts to perform  an option.  If so, a  special
       display appears.

  **   When  a display  file  is  created, the  information  (including
       'position  to' prompt text,  the subfile field  names and column
       headings, field  text,  edit  code,  lower  case,  and  validity
       options) is  stored as  comments with  the display file  source.
       This allows  CRTSFLPGM (using REPLACE  = *YES) to  be used again
       by  starting with the same  information.  These special comments
       should not  be  modified.   See the  later  section on  'Storing
       text in the display file source'.

  **   A keyed join file is supported, but must be ALWCHG(*NO).

  **   Any  single quotes in  text such  as "O'Neil"  are automatically
       doubled  in  any of  the  text values  to allow  for  the proper

  **   Help text  at run  time  is provided  for the  basic  functions.
       Individual field  help text may  be added.   See the  section on
       'Help text'.

  **   The  F7 key  may be used  at run  time to display  the following

*                                                                   *
*           The Salesman List                                       *
*                                                                   *
*   Select one of the following:                 FILEA in LIBX      *
*                                                                   *
*        1.  Display Keyed file format                              *
*        2.  Display Keyed file attributes                          *
*        3.  Display Keyed file access path                         *
*        4.  Display Keyed file member description                  *
*        5.  File Create/Open Comparison                            *
*        6.  Program information                                    *
*        7.  Display file information                               *
*        8.  Program validity checking information                  *
*                                                                   *
*                                                                   *
*   Selection                                                       *
*   ===> _                                                          *
*                                                                   *
*   F3=Exit     F12=Cancel                                          *
*                                                                   *

       Options 1-4  allow  for  detail displays  about  the  file,  its
       format,  attributes,  access  path,  and  the  member  that  was

       Option  5 provides  a  comparison regarding  the  file specified
       for CRTSFLPGM and the file actually opened.

       Option  6  and  7  use  the  DSPOBJD2  TAA  command  to describe
       information about the created objects.

       Option 8  describes  the validity  checking that  was  specified
       using CRTSFLPGM.  DDS validity checking is not included.

CRTSFLPGM menu and displays

CRTSFLPGM begins  by extracting information  about the keyed file.   If
REPLACE(*YES)  is specified, the last source  change dates from the RPG
and DDS source  are extracted  and compared against  the source  change
dates in the  object.  If they  differ, an escape message  is issued as
a  re-create will cause  a loss  of the source  changes.  Use  *YES2 to
replace or consider the RPLSFLPGM command.

If no  changes  have  occurred  and  REPLACE(*YES)  is  specified,  the
existing Display  file  source is  read and  the  information from  the
special comments is extracted.

As shown previously, the initial menu appears as:

*                                                                    *
*  TAA Create Subfile Program - Menu     FILEA in LIBX     SYSTEM1   *
*                                                 7/19/09   6:54:22  *
*                          --- Sample 'Position to' line ---         *
*   Pos to:  State: xx  City: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        *
*                                                                    *
*                            --- Sample Subfile Columns ---          *
*   Opt  State   City              Sales person              Sup...  *
*    x    xx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     xxx...  *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* Select one of the following:                                       *
*                                                                    *
*     1.  Create subfile program                                     *
*     2.  Change 'Position to' line                                  *
*     3.  Change Subfile line                                        *
*     4.  Change field options for Display/Change/Add                *
*                                                                    *
* Selection                                                          *
* ===> 1                                                             *
*      _                                                             *
*                                                                    *
* F1=Help     F3=Exit     F12=Cancel                                 *
*                                                                    *

The sample  displays allow you  to see the important  layouts that will
be used.  Menu options allow changes and access to field options.

If  F3 or  F12 is used  to cancel from  the menu,  any existing objects
and source members remain as they were.

If  the  RPG  or DSPF  members  do  not  exist  prior  to  the  use  of
CRTSFLPGM, members  are added  before the samples  are created.   If F3
or  F12  is  used  to cancel  from  the  menu,  the  empty members  are

The following  describes  each of  the options  that  may be  used  for
making modifications:

  **   Option 2 - 'Position to' line.

*                                                                   *
*       TAA Create Subfile Program - 'Position To' Text Changes     *
*                                                                   *
*   Type options, press Enter.                                      *
*     5=Display                                                     *
*                                                                   *
*   Opt  Key field      Len  Dec   'Position to' text               *
*    _   STATE            2        State                            *
*                                  ---------------                  *
*    _   CITY            15        City                             *
*                                  ---------------                  *
*                                                                   *
*   F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F7=Display format    ... *
*                                                                   *

       The order of  the key fields of  the file make up  the 'position
       to'  line with  a preceding text  prompt for  as many as  fit on
       one line.  A colon is added after each text prompt.

       The 'Position to'  prompt text  may be changed  on the  display.
       Up to 15 characters may be entered.

       After   changing  the   text,   the  sample   is   re-displayed.
       Increasing  or decreasing  the length  of the  text may  cause a
       different number of key fields to fit on the line.

  **   Option 3 - Change subfile line.

*                                                                   *
*       TAA Create Subfile Program - Subfile Column Changes         *
*                                                                   *
*   Type options, press Enter.                                      *
*     5=Display                                                     *
*                                                                   *
*   Opt Seq   Field name   MinWdth   ColWdth   HdgWdth   Column hea *
*    _  010   STATE           6         6         5      State      *
*       ---                            --                ---------- *
*    _  020   CITY           15        15         4      City       *
*       ---                            --                ---------- *
*    _  030   SLSPER         20        20        12      Sales pers *
*       ---                            --                ---------- *
*    _  040   MGR            20        20        12      Supervis.. *
*       ---                            --                ---------- *
*    -        AMT             9         9         6      Amount     *
*       ---                            --                ---------- *
*                                                                   *
*   F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F12=Cancel               *
*                                                                   *

       The  'Seq' column  describes which  fields will  be displayed in
       the subfile.   All fields  in the file  are displayed, but  only
       those being  used in  the subfile will  have a  sequence number.
       Blanking  out  the  sequence  number  causes  the  field  to  be
       removed as a column.  You  may add new fields or re-arrange  the
       order of the fields by changing the sequence numbers.

       For example, the AMT  field exists in the file,  but is not used
       on  the  subfile  display because  there  is  insufficient room.
       You could blank  out the sequence  of MGR and  enter a  sequence
       number for AMT to rearrange the subfile.

         --   The 'MinWdth' column  describes the minimum width  of the
              column.   See  the section  on  'Formatting rules'  for a
              discussion of the minimum width.

         --   The  'ColWdth' field defaults to  the size of the minimum
              width,  but  allows  you  to  increase  the  size.    For
              example,  you could make  a longer  column heading  or in
              preparation  of a manual  change to  the generated source
              where you  need  to  translate a  code  into  descriptive
              text.   See the later section  on 'Translating a  code to
              a  descriptive literal'.   You  cannot decrease  the size
              of the column width  to be less  than the minimum  width.

         --   The  'HdgWdth'  column   describes  the  length   of  the
              proposed column  heading.  This  is always the  last line
              of  column headings.  See  the section on 'Multiple lines
              of  column  headings'.    This  allows  you   to  compare
              against the  'ColWdth' information  to see if  the column
              heading text can be increased in length.

         --   The  'Column heading' information  describes the proposed
              text for the column.   You may  change the text, but  you
              may not make  it longer than the 'ColWdth' size.   If the
              text  is changed to  be longer,  it will be  truncated to
              the column width and a message sent.

       Increasing the column widths may  cause fewer columns to  appear
       when you return to the sample display.

  **   Option 4 - Change Field Options

*                                                                   *
*       TAA Create Subfile Program - Change Field Options           *
*                                                                   *
*   Type options, press Enter:                                      *
*     2=Validity checking    5=Display                              *
*                                                                   *
*   Opt  Field name  Typ  Len  Dec  Vld Rqd Ful Lwr Edt   Detail/Ch *
*    _   STATE        A     2            X                State     *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   CITY         A    15                             City      *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   SLSPER       A    20                             Sales per *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   MGR          A    20                             Superviso *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   AMT          P     7   2                    J    Amount    *
*                                                    -    --------- *
*                                                                   *
*   F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F7=Display format     F1 *
*                                                                   *

       Using  option 4  will allow  you  to make  changes  to the  text
       description  that  will be  displayed  on the  Detail/Change/Add
       displays and enter various field level options.

       Columns   for   'type',   'length',  and   'number   of  decimal
       positions' are  shown for  each  field.   The type  is from  the
       system  code   used  for  the  field.     A=Alphameric,  but  is
       described  as  'character'  in  this  discussion.   The  decimal
       fields are either P=Packed, S=Zoned, or B=Binary.

       'Vld' column.   The 'Validity' column  will be set  to X if  you
       have  used Option  2  and specified  validity  checking for  the
       field.  See the next section on 'Validity checking'.

       'Rqd'  column.   The 'Required'  column  is valid  for character
       fields.  Entering  an X will  cause the program  to ensure  that
       any data entered into  the field is non-blank.   By default, the
       first  key field  is required  (this can  be changed).   Decimal
       fields  will be  initialized to zero  so a  value always exists.
       You can  require a  value greater  than zero  by using  validity
       checking (see the section on 'Validity checking).

       'Ful' column.   The 'Full' column is valid  for character fields
       (the  system code shown is A =  Alphameric).  Entering an X will
       cause the program  to ensure  that all  characters entered  into
       the field are  non-blank.  This would  be a good option  for the
       STATE  field  (always  2  characters),  but  not for  the  CITY,
       SLSPER, and MGR  fields.   Requesting 'Ful'  requires the  field
       to be entered  as does a  'Rqd' request.  Requesting  both 'Rqd'
       and 'Ful'  may appear redundant,  but a different  error message
       will  appear when using  'Rqd' when the field  is all blank that
       may be more understandable to the end user.

       'Lwr' column.   The 'Lower case'  column is valid for  character
       fields.  Entering  an X will allow the entry  of lower case into
       the  field.   This would not  be used  for the  STATE field, but
       would be a good option for the CITY, SLSPER, and MGR fields.

       'Edt' column.   The  'Edit  code' column  is valid  for  decimal
       fields.  The value  used from the Data Base  DDS is the default.
       If none  exists, J is used.   Any of the  standard editing codes
       may be  used.   The  edit  code is  used  anytime the  field  is
       displayed.   This includes the  Detail and  Change/Add displays,
       'Position  to'  line,  the  subfile  line, and  the  copy/rename
       prompts.   The Y  edit code may  only be used  on a digit length
       of 3 to 8 with 0 decimal positions.

       'Detail/Chg/Add text'  column describes  the text  that will  be
       used  on both the  Detail display  and the  Change/Add displays.
       Up  to 23  characters may be  displayed.   If the  field text is
       longer than 23, it  is truncated.  You  may want to change  some
       of the text to make it more understandable.

       Option 2 may  be entered for Validity Checking  (see the section
       on 'Validity Checking'.

       Option  5 will  provide a  display of  the detail  attributes of
       the field.

       To do the  'Salesman List'  sample, the following  would be  the
       typical entries:

*                                                                   *
*       TAA Create Subfile Program - Change Field Options           *
*                                                                   *
*   Type options, press Enter:                                      *
*     2=Validity checking    5=Display                              *
*                                                                   *
*   Opt  Field name  Typ  Len  Dec  Vld Rqd Ful Lwr Edt   Detail/Ch *
*    _   STATE        A     2            X   X            State     *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   CITY         A    15            X       X        City      *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   SLSPER       A    20            X       X        Sales per *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   MGR          A    20            X       X        Superviso *
*                                        -   -   -        --------- *
*    _   AMT          P     7   2                    J    Amount    *
*                                                    -    --------- *
*                                                                   *
*   F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F7=Display format     F1 *
*                                                                   *

The STATE field is  specified as 'Rqd' and 'Ful' meaning  a 2 character
non-blank entry is required.

The  CITY, SLSPER,  and  MGR fields  are  specified a  'Rqd'  and 'Lwr'
meaning a value must be entered, but lower case is allowed.

Validity checking

Simple  validity  checking  may  be requested.    The  'Rqd'  and 'Ful'
fields  on the  'Change  Field  Options' display  provide  some  simple
checking for character fields.

Additional  validity checking  may be  requested by  using 'Option  2 -
Validity  checking'.    This  option  is  only  valid  on character  or
decimal field types.

Assume you used option 2 for the AMT field.

*                                                                   *
*   TAA Create Subfile Program - Validity Checking for Field AMT    *
*                                                                   *
*    Type . . *PACKED       Length . .    7    Dec Pos . .  2       *
*    Text . .  Amount                                               *
*   Enter one type:                                                 *
*       Comp:    Oper  __                 Value ________________    *
*                                                                   *
*       Range:   Low   ________________   High  ________________    *
*                                                                   *
*       List:     1    ________________    2    ________________    *
*                 3    ________________    4    ________________    *
*                 5    ________________    6    ________________    *
*                 7    ________________    8    ________________    *
*                 9    ________________   10    ________________    *
*                11    ________________   12    ________________    *
*                13    ________________   14    ________________    *
*                15    ________________   16    ________________    *
*                                                                   *
*       Date:    Fmt   ________           Sep     _                 *
*                Low   -99999             High     99999            *
*                      ------                     ------            *
*                                                                   *
*   F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F7=Display format     F1 *
*                                                                   *

One of the 4 validity checking types may be entered for each field.

When entering  data for  a  character comparison,  the data  should  be
left justified  without surrounding  quotes.   The length  of the  data
entered cannot exceed the length of the field being compared.

Note that  if a character field is not set  for 'Required' or 'Full' on
the Change Field  Options display, a  blank value will  not be  checked
by one of  the types entered.   For example, if a character  value must
always exist  and be within a  range of values, you must  enter both an
'X' for Required and the range values.

When entering data for a decimal comparison:

         - Use digits 0-9 and an optional leading minus sign.
         - No embedded blanks may exist.
         - No decimal point character may exist (for 10.00 enter 1000).
         - The length may not exceed the digit length of the field.
         - The data may be entered left or right adjusted.
             If the data is re-displayed, it will be right adjusted

  **   Compare  type.  An operator  *EQ, *NE, *GT, *GE,  *LT, *LE and a
       single value to compare to must be entered.

       For example,  if  the AMT  field  must be  greater than  0,  you
       would enter *GT 0.

  **   Range type.   A low and a  high range may be  entered for either
       character or decimal fields.

       For  example, if the AMT field must  be greater than zero and no
       larger than  9999.99,  you  would  enter  Low =  1  and  High  =
       999999.    Note that  the  decimal  values are  entered  without
       decimal points.

  **   List type.   A list of  up to 16 values  for either character or
       decimal fields.  The  values may be entered  in any order.   Any
       blank  entries are  ignored.    If re-displayed,  the  non-blank
       entries will begin with the first list entry.

  **   Date type.   If the field to be entered is  a date type, you may
       enter  one  of the  standard  formats *MDY,  *DMY,  *YMD, *MDYY,
       *DMYY,  *YYMD,  *CYMD, *JUL,  *LONGJUL,  *ISO,  *USA,  *EUR,  or
       *JIS.  The field may be either character or decimal.

       If a  character date field  is to be  checked, you must  enter a
       separator  character if  it  exists.   A separator  character is
       not valid for decimal fields.

       The length of the field must  conform to what was entered.   For
       example,  an  *MDY formatted  field  must  be  either a  6  byte
       character  or  6  digit  decimal  field.    If  a  separator  is
       entered, the field must be character of length 8.

       Date checking ensures that the data  entered as a date value  is
       meaningful.  For example,  you cannot request a month  13 or day
       32.  Feb 29th is checked for leap years.

       The value  entered may be checked  for a low or high  date.  The
       low  and high values  default to -99999  and 99999 thus allowing
       a large range of dates to be entered.

       If you consider  entering a  date prior to  the current date  an
       error,  use 0  for the  low  value.   If you  consider any  date
       prior  to  10  days  in the  past  of  the  current  date to  be
       invalid, enter  -10 for  the low  value.   If  you consider  any
       date in  the future  to be  invalid if  it is  greater than  700
       days from the current date, enter 700 for high value.

Formatting rules

  **   The  text that  appears  on the  display for  the  'Position to'
       prompts,  the   subfile   headings,   and   the   detail   field
       descriptions use the following rules:

         --   The  column heading  information is  used  if it  exists.
              If  multiple column headings  exist such as  the physical
              file DDS is specified as:

                COLHDG('Sales' 'person' 'name')

              the  3 values are  concatenated together with intervening
              spaces and the  text would be  'Sales person name'.   See
              the   later  section   on  'Multiple   lines  of   column

         --   If  no column heading exists,  the field text description
              is used.

         --   If no  column heading  and  no text  description  exists,
              the field name is used.

       The descriptions  are truncated if they  are too long.   You may
       modify any of the text descriptions.

          Position to

  **   The  text prompt is  limited to a  maximum of 15  characters.  A
       shorter prompt  may be  desirable to  allow more  key fields  to
       appear  on the  'Position  to' line.    Two ellipsis  are  added


  **   The column  width determines the length of  the column text that
       will be used.

  **   The  column widths have a minimum  of 3 characters.  The minimum
       width will be longer if:

         --   For character fields, the field length is longer.

         --   For decimal  fields, the edited  length of  the field  is
              longer.   The  edited length  includes the  digit length,
              room  for a decimal  point (if  decimal positions exist),
              and  room   for   separator   characters   (eg   commas),
              depending  on  the length  and  edit  code  used.   If  a
              decimal field  does not have an edit  code, J is assumed.
              If a Y  edit code  is used,  room for  the separators  is
              added to  the digit  length.   You may  specify the  edit
              code to be used for any decimal field.

  **   By  default, there are  3 spaces between  the columns.   You may
       specify  the number  of spaces with  the SPACING  parameter.  An
       extra space  is  added if  an edit  code A-D  is  used to  allow
       additional space for the 'CR' symbol.

  **   For  decimal fields,  the column  heading is  right  adjusted to
       the units position.

  **   For  character  fields,  the  column  heading  is normally  left
       adjusted to  the start  of the  data.   If the  data is  shorter
       than the column  heading, the data is centered  under the column

  **   Changing  the  edit   code  of  a  decimal  field  may  cause  a
       difference in the column width.

          Detail and Change/Add Displays

  **   There is room for a 23 characters of description.

Storing text in the display file source

When display file source is  generated, special comments are placed  at
the  end   of  the  source   with  appropriate  leading   and  trailing
information.   The comments describe  what was specified  to create the
display  file.  This  includes the text  used for 1)  the 'position to'
fields, 2)  the sequence,  column width,  and column  headings for  the
subfile,  and 3)  the descriptive  text for  the Detail  and Change/Add

In  addition, the edit code and  validity checking information are also
stored in the special comments.

This  information   is  used   if  CRTSFLPGM   with  REPLACE(*YES)   or
REPLACE(*YES2)  is specified  for the  same  display file  name.   This
allows  CRTSFLPGM to  begin with  the  information as  was used  in the
last created version.

These special comments should not be modified.

If the display file  source was not  used for the  same file name  that
is  currently specified,  any  existing information  in  the source  is

Array data in the created RPG program

Compile  time arrays  are used in  the RPG  program for  error messages
and validity checking information.


  **   The  user of CRTSFLPGM must have  at least *USE authority to the
       file specified as well as the CRT commands used.

  **   The user  who calls  the generated  program must  have at  least
       *USE authority  to the  file that  is opened.   If not  (such as
       the  user is *EXCLUDE),  the system issues CPF4104  as an escape
       message when the open is attempted.

       Because an  OVR  may  occur,  the created  program  cannot  tell
       ahead of  time what  file will  be opened  and the check  occurs
       when the file is first opened.

  **   If  the  file  is  specified  as  ALWUPD(*NO),  ALWWRT(*NO),  or
       ALWDLT(*NO),  these  options  are  honored  regardless  of  what
       authority the  user has  to the  file.  Messages  appear on  the
       first display of the subfile informing the user.

  **   Most  authority  to objects  is  set for  *PUBLIC  or individual
       users as *USE or *CHANGE.

       *USE  authority would  allow only  the '5  = Display'  option to
       appear.    The other  options  (and  F6  for  'add')  would  not
       display and would cause an error if entered.

       *CHANGE authority will  allow all of the options  and F6 for add
       of a new record.

       If  individual rights  exist for the  user such  that 'USER DEF'
       is displayed by DSPOBJAUT, the following would occur:

         --   If the  user does  not have  *DLT  authority, the  Delete
              option would not appear.

         --   If  the user  does not  have *UPD  authority, the  Change
              and Rename options would not appear.

         --   If  the  user  does not  have  *ADD  authority, the  Copy
              option and the F6 key  (for Additions) would not  appear.

Generated source TAA identification

The generated DSPF and RPG  source will contain the letters '  TAA ' in
the first  5 characters of  the source data  (sequence number columns).
This  is intended  to assist  in determining  what user  additions have
been made to the source.

The intent is that  you be able to  identify any changes you  have made
such as:

  **   if  you change an  existing line,  you could  make it  a comment
       and add a new line with blanks for the first 5 characters.

  **   If you add a line, use blanks for the first 5 characters.

Assume  you have  some  additions for  more advanced  validity checking
and your source statements were  entered with blanks for the leading  5
characters.    If   you  want  to  refresh  using   CRTSFLPGM,  do  the

  **   Copy your existing source to separate members.

  **   Use   CRTSFLPGM  with  REPLACE(*YES)  which   will  replace  the
       existing DSPF and RPG source.   If any changes have occurred  to
       either  the  RPG  or DDS  source,  an  escape  message  will  be
       issued.   Use REPLACE(*YES2) or  consider the use  of RPLSFLPGM.

  **   Use SEU on the newly generated source.

  **   Use  F15 (Browse/Copy  Option) and display  the previous source.

  **   Use F14 (Find/Change Option) on the previous source.

  **   Specify 5 blanks for Find and scan columns 1 to 5 as:

          Find . . . . . . . .  '     '
          From column number .  1
          To column number   .  5

  **   Return to the main SEU display.

  **   Use the F16 key to scan for your statements.

  **   Copy from the previous source to the newly generated source.

Modifying the generated source

You may want to modify the generated source for such changes as:

  **   Adding advanced validity checking.

  **   Shortening a descriptive  field to make  it fit in the  subfile.

  **   Changing a code into a descriptive text.

After making the  source code changes, the RPLSFLPGM  command exists to
replace  the existing  objects.   Do  not use  CRTSFLPGM again  as this
will delete your  changes.   The direct  use of a  CRTrpg command  will
fail  because the  TAASTDHA  file does  not exist  (an  OVR command  is
needed).   See the  later discussion of  the 'RPLSFLPGM command'.   See
also the alternative section on 'Using the ARRLF parameter'.

Certain field  names and  indicators  are standard  and should  not  be
used  when  you  make  changes.    Any   conflict  with  the  names  or
indicators  required by  your display  file  and program  function will
probably produce unexpected results.

  **   Indicators  61  -  99  are used  for  internal  control  and for
       display file options.   Indicators 21-60  are used for  validity
       checking.    Up  to 40  fields  may  be  checked which  will  be
       highlighted.    The  first field  to  be  validity  checked uses
       indicator 21, the second  field indicator 22 and  so on.   These
       indicators are used  to highlight the error  fields and position
       the cursor to the error.

       If  you  have  less  than 40  fields  to  be  used for  validity
       checking, you may  safely use  the remaining  indicators.   Good
       practice would be to use 60 and work down.

       If  you need  more  indicators  you  could consider  L0-L9  (the
       generated  program does  not  use the  RPG cycle)  or  KA-KN and

  **   Field  names  beginning  with  ZK,  ZX,  and  ZZ  are  used  for
       internal control and  display file  options.  Formats  beginning
       with ZH are used in the display file for help text.

  **   Field names beginning  with FD and FI are created  by the use of
       the  TAA FILEFDBCK tool which uses  an externally described data
       structure for the file feedback area.

  **   Field names  beginning with ST  are created  by the  use of  the
       TAA  RPGSTSDS  tool  which  uses an  externally  described  data
       structure for the RPG status data structure.

  **   Field  names beginning  with DT  are created by  the use  of the
       TAA  CHKDAT3  tool  which  uses  an  externally  described  data
       structure for communication with the RPG program.

At  the beginning  of  the  DDS and  RPG  code  are comments  that  are
designed  to  assist  in  determining  where typical  changes  need  to

The  following sections describe  some typical changes  you may want to
make and tips on where to modify the source:

  **   Changing the 'Position to' prompts

  **   Changing column headings

  **   Multiple lines of column headings

  **   Changing  the   field  text  for   the  Detail  and   Change/Add

  **   Shortening a field for the subfile display

  **   Translating a code to a descriptive literal.

  **   Initializing a value before prompting for a new record

  **   Advanced Validity checking

  **   Bypassing records that should not be in the subfile

  **   Displaying messages

  **   Help text at run time

Changing the 'Position to' prompts

The typical  means of changing the  'position to' prompt text  would be
using menu option 2 that appears during the use of CRTSFLPGM.

You  may also  change the  text in  the DDS source  (eg making  it more
than 15 characters).

To change the text,  scan the DDS source for  ZZPOSTO and key over  the
existing value.  You may need to adjust the positions.

Changing column headings

The typical  means of changing the  column heading text would  be using
menu option 3 that appears during the use of CRTSFLPGM.

You  may  also  change  the  headings  by  modifying the  display  file

Column headings appear  in the DDS  subfile display and  in the  screen
for confirming  deletions.   There is  one line of  column headings  if
the default  of COLHDG(1) is used.  See  the section on 'Multiple lines
of column headings'.

If  the DDS field text value is too  long, the text is truncated.  Very
short fields make use of the field name.

To make  a different  column heading,  scan for  ZZCOLHDS which  begins
the  section.   Key over  the existing  column heading  and  adjust the
position if needed.

Scan  again   for  ZZCOLHDS  and  change  the  column  heading  in  the
confirmation of deletions.

You may make a two line column heading if needed.

         --   Scan  for  ZZOPTL  in  the   display  file  to  see   the
              beginnings of  the column  headings which  begin on  line
              8.   Your second line of column  headings should begin on
              line 9.

         --   Scan for  ZZSFL2C  in  the display  source  to  make  the
              column  headings   for  the  'Confirm   Delete'  display.
              Those  column headings  begin on  line 6  as there  is no
              'Position to' line.

         --   Scan  the display file  source for SFLSIZ  and change the
              number 12 to  11 if you have  2 lines of column  heading.
              Make the same change to the SFLPAG keyword.

         --   Scan the RPG  source for ZZFULP and change  from 12 to 11
              if you have 2 lines of column heading.

Multiple lines of column headings

The default is COLHDG(1) for one line of column headings.

A  value  of 2  or  3 may  be specified  in  which case  the  screen is
formatted to allow 2  or 3 lines, but the  only set of column  headings
generated by CRTSFLPGM  in for the last  line.  After the  display file
has  been  created and  you are  satisfied  with the  layouts  and text
descriptions, use  a source  editor  for the  display file  source  and
scan for ZZCOLHDS.   Add the  required display file  specifications for
the main subfile.

A second  scan for ZZCOLHDS should  be used for the  'Confirm Delete of
Records'.   The same set of column headings  may be used as on the main
subfile, but the line number values should be changed.

Changing the field text for the Detail and Change/Add displays

The typical  means of  changing the  field text  descriptions would  be
using menu option 4 that appears during the use of CRTSFLPGM.

The field  descriptions appear on the  DDS Display of a  record and the
Change/Add  display.   If the description  to be  changed is  for a key
field,  other  displays  (such  as  the  Copy  prompt)  also   use  the
description.  There is room for 23 characters of description.

To change the text,  scan for the DDS source for ZZFLDTXT  and key over
the existing value.

Keep scanning for ZZFLDTXT until all changes have been made.

Shortening a field for the subfile display

In some  cases there may not be enough room  on the subfile display for
the full  length of  a  character field  that provides  a  description.
You can shorten the field and display the shorter value.

For  example,  assume  you  have  a  few  important  fields  and  a  50
character description  that you want to display in  the subfile.  There
may  not be enough room  for all 50 characters  of the description, but
it would be helpful if the first 30 were displayed.

Do the following:

  **   DDS changes

         --   Scan the  DDS source  for ZZSFLRCD and  add the  required
              field to the subfile display ZZSFL1.

         --   Scan  the DDS source  for ZZDLTRCD  and add  the required
              field to the subfile display ZZSFL2.

         --   Scan  the  DDS source  for  ZZCOLHDS and  add  the column
              heading for the subfile control display ZZSFL1C.

         --   Scan the  DDS  source  again  for  ZZCOLHDS  to  add  the
              column  heading   for  the   confirmation  of   deletions
              display ZZSFL2C.

  **   RPG changes

         --   Scan  the RPG  source for  ZZCVTFLD.   This is  the ZZCVT
              subroutine which  is used  to change  any fields  in  the
              subfile  before  it  is displayed.    The  subroutine  is
              called any  time the fields are built  for the subfile or
              the  confirmation of deletions.   Use a  MOVEL or EVAL to
              move from the  data base field  to the field you  defined
              in DDS.

Translating a code to a descriptive literal

If your  data base field  is a code  that may not  be known to  the end
user,  you may want  to display  descriptive text instead  of the code.
For example,  if 'I'  is 'Income',  you may  want  to display  'Income'
rather than  the 'I'.   If  the field  is in  the subfile  display, the
technique  would be similar to  that described for  'Shortening a field
for the subfile display'.   You would have to use  a work field on  the
display instead of the actual data base field.

To change a  field on a  detail display of a  record, you will  need to
change the  DDS for a  different field name.   Scan the  DDS source for
ZZFLDTXT  and make  the required change.   Scan again  for ZZFLDTXT and
make the required change for the Change/Add display.

Then scan  the RPG  source for  ZZFXBFR and  insert any  changes.   The
ZZFXB subroutine is  invoked before displaying a record  for either the
Display or Change screen.

The  ZZFXA subroutine is  invoked after the  user has  changed a record
and before  it is  written to  the data  base.   Scan  for ZZFXAFT  and
insert any  changes from what  the user has  keyed to what  is required
in the data base.

Initializing a value before prompting for a new record

By  default, a  prompt for a  new record  will display values  as zeros
and  blanks.    You  may  want  to  initialize  certain  fields  before
prompting.   If  so,  scan the  RPG  source for  ZZNEWRCD.   This  will
display  the ZZNWB  subroutine and  allow entry  of your  statements to
initialize certain fields.

Advanced Validity checking

Most  simple validity  checking may  be added  using option 4  from the
CRTSFLPGM  menu  and Option  2  from  the  subsequent  display.    This
provides checking  for required fields, making  simple comparisons, and
ensuring valid dates.

The system also supports some validity checking:

  **   If  your DDS for the  file has keywords such  as COMP, RANGE, or
       VALUES, the  keywords will  have been  copied  to the  generated
       DDS.  The system  will ensure that any changes  or new data must
       pass the validity checking.

  **   If  an  error  is detected,  the  fields  in  error are  reverse
       imaged, the cursor is  positioned to the  first field in  error,
       the  keyboard   is  locked,  and   an  error  message   will  be
       displayed.   The  RPG program  will not  gain control  until the
       validity checking has been passed.

Adding advanced validity checking may include such functions as:

  **   Accessing a data base file to verify a key.

  **   Providing  a  large array  of valid  entries (the  LIST function
       allows for  only 16  entries.  You  are probably  better off  to
       add  your own array  data and  error handling.   You  can extend
       the  ZZF and ZZV  arrays, but you  must follow  the same pattern
       with the Field name in 1-10 and the Type/Value in 11-26.

  **   Validity checking involving  multiple fields.   For example,  if
       a customer is a  type XX, he may not have a  discount code which
       is in another field.

You  can provide  your own  validity  checking by  placing code  in the
ZZVAL subroutine.  It is invoked  after the user has entered values  on
the Change/Add display.  Scan for ZZVALSBR to find the subroutine.

If an  error  has occurred  and you  want  to re-prompt  the user,  set
ZZVALE to *ON as shown in a later example.

See  the 'Messages'  section on how  to send  a message  explaining the

If  you  want  to  emulate  the  system  validity  checking  by reverse
imaging the field  and positioning the cursor,  you need to modify  the
DDS.   Scan the  DDS source  for ZZCHG  which is  the beginning  of the
Change/Add  displays.   Add  the  DSPATR  keyword after  the  field and
condition by  an indicator such  as 19  (see the  comments about  which
indicators may be used in the section on 'Modifying the source').

     A            OPTION    R        B    +3REFFLD(OPTION xxxx    )
     A  19                                  DSPATR(RI PC)

This technique does not lock the keyboard.

You should  reset any  indicators you are  using for  validity checking
in  the ZZRST subroutine.   Scan the RPG source  for ZZRSTSBR and enter
a SETOF operation for  each such indicator you  are using for  validity

     C                     SETOF                     19    Reset

Note that  the ZZRST  subroutine is  already setting validity  checking
indicators off.

The  following code describes  what could be  done to validate  a field
named  OPTION  for  a  value of  *YES  or  *NO.   This  simple  type of
checking  would  normally  be  done  by  the   validity  checking  LIST
function of CRTSFLPGM, but provides a good example.

Assume  you  have  made  the  above  DDS changes  for  the  field  with
indicator  19 and the change to the  ZZRST subroutine.  Assume you have
added  an error  message  for  U22  as  described  in  the  section  on

     C                     SELEC                           Select
     C           OPTION    WHEQ '*YES'                     If *YES
     C           OPTION    WHEQ '*NO '                     If *NO
     C                     OTHER                           Other
     C                     SETON                     19    Set RI PC
     C                     MOVE *ON       ZZVALE           Re-display
     C                     MOVE 'U22'     ZZMCOD           Set code
     C                     EXSR ZZMSG                      Error subr
     C                     ENDSL                           End select

If  only a  single  Change/Add screen  exists,  there  is no  confusion
between what the user sees and what the program has processed.

If the  file has more fields than fit  on one display, multiple ZZCHGnn
screens will exist.   You may  need to  know which screen  the user  is
operating on.   The  field ZZFMT will  contain the  format name  of the
last screen that appeared using rollup.

Bypassing records that should not be in the subfile

If you  want to bypass  certain records that  should not appear  in the
subfile, scan for ZZBYPASS.  Use a GOTO ZZREAD to bypass.

Displaying messages

Messages  for either information or errors  appear in a message subfile
on lines 23 and  24 of various displays.   Rollup is supported if  more
than 2 lines of messages exist.

The  message text  is  in the  RPG  source for  the alternating  arrays
ZZA/ZZB.   These messages use a  code of Znn.  If  you add some of your
own messages to the arrays, use a Unn code.

The messages  are sent  to the  message subfile  using  the message  ID
CPF9897 in  the QCPFMSG file  in QSYS.  This  is a blank  message where
the text from the array is used as MSGDTA for the message.

No second  level text exists for these  standard messages, but multiple
messages may  be  sent  for the  same  error.   For  example,  the  Z03
message has several lines of  text.  Each line of message  text is sent
as a separate  message and would appear in  the subfile to help explain
the  error.   Indenting  these multiple  line  messages may  assist the
user in reading them.

Either or both of the  following approaches may be used for  your error

  **   Use the same  approach as shown in the generated  code.  Use U01
       -  U99 as  the message  IDs to  be placed  in the  ZZMCOD field.
       See the example in the  'Validity checking' section for how  the
       following two statements can be used to send a message.

     C                     MOVE 'Unn'     ZZMCOD           Msg code
     C                     EXSR ZZMSG                      Msg subr

       For each  error ID, you  must also add  the error code  and text
       for the message in the ZZA/ZZB arrays.

  **   Use  message  IDs that  exist in  a  message file.    This would
       allow you to  have second  level help  for a  message and  would
       also  be  helpful  if translation  to  different  languages  was
       required.   Your  code  should enter  the  message file/library,
       message ID, and any replacement data such as:

     C                     MOVEL'msgfile 'ZZMSGF           Msg file
     C                     MOVEL'msgf lib'ZZMSGL           Msg file lib
     C                     MOVEL'msg ID'  ZZMSID           Msg ID
     C                     MOVEL'xxxxxxxx'ZZTMSG           Replace data
     C                     EXSR ZZMSG                      Msg subr

       Before  each use of the the  ZZMSG subroutine, you must fill the
       fields with  your unique values.   The  ZZMSG subroutine  resets
       the fields after sending a message as follows:

                   ZZMSGF   =   QCPFMSG
                   ZZMSGL   =   QSYS
                   ZZMSID   =   CPF9897
                   ZZTMSG   =   Blanks

Help text at run time

Standard  help  text is  provided  which  describes  each display,  the
options,  function keys, etc.  The help  text appears in windows placed
over the existing display.   All 'help'  functions are provided in  the
DDS by  keywords such as  ALTHELP, HLPARA,  HLPRCD, and HLPBDY  (no RPG
code is involved with 'help text').

Either the HELP key or F1 invokes help.

Sample field  help exists for the first field  on several displays.  It
is described in the ZZFLDHLP record format.

For each field that you want to  provide help text for, use the  HLPARA
and HLPRCD  keywords.   For  example, the  first field  on the  ZZDSP01
record format has the following help keywords:

     A          H                           HLPARA(4 1  4 80)
     A                                      HLPRCD(ZZFLDHLP)

The HLPARA keyword  defines the area on the  screen where the help area
is defined.  Four parameters are required:

                Parameter 1 = Start line
                Parameter 2 = Start position
                Parameter 3 = End line
                Parameter 4 = End position

The HLPRCD parameter defines the help format to be displayed.

To  create  field help,  use  the ZZFLDHLP  screen  as a  model.   This
provides one screen of help.

To provide  more than  one screen  of help text  for a  given field  or
section, see the  ZZDUMY and ZZDUMY20 screens as  models (these screens
do not appear during run time).

Override processing at run time

You  may use your own OVRDBF command  prior to calling the RPG program.
You could process  a different file  or a member  other than the  first
member of the file.

If the  file you  are overriding  to is  specified as LVLCHK(*NO),  the
program still  ensures that the format IDs are the  same as the file it
was created for.


If you only use CRTSFLPGM to  make changes, you do not need  RPLSFLPGM.

The RPLSFLPGM  command  is intended  to re-create  the  objects if  you
have made  source changes using a source editor.   By default, both the
display  file  and  the  RPG  program  are  re-created  by  the  use of

The CRTSFLPGM  REPLACE(*YES) or  REPLACE(*YES2)  function differs  from
RPLSFLPGM.   When CRTSFLPGM runs, the  menu allows you  to make changes
to  text,  re-order  the  subfile  columns,  etc.    These changes  are
captured  in  the   display  file  source.     When  REPLACE(*YES)   or
REPLACE(*YES2)  is  specified,  CRTSFLPGM  uses the  values  that  were
found  in the source.   When Option 1  is used from the  menu to create
the display  file  and program,  the  existing source  is  cleared  and

REPLACE(*YES) will cause an  escape message if any source  changes have
been made to either the DDS or RPG source.

REPLACE(*YES2) will  re-create the objects, but any  source changes you
had made would be lost.

RPLSFLPGM  does  not  re-generate the  source.   It  uses  the existing
source (including  any changes you  may have  made) and re-creates  the
display file and program.

The  RPLSFLPGM  command   has  most  of  the  same   parameters  as  on

The command has the following advantages:

  **   After  making source  changes, you  can duplicate  the CRTSFLPGM
       command, change  the  verb to  RPL,  and  prompt.   The  missing
       parameters will  be dropped  and you  can re-create the  objects
       without the individual use of the CRT commands.

  **   The  direct  use of  CRTRPGPGM  will fail  because  the TAASTDHA
       file does  not exist.   An  OVRDBF command  is  needed prior  to
       creating the program  that directs TAASTDHA to your  keyed file.
       RPLSFLPGM does the override automatically.

RPLSFLPGM also  does a good deal of checking  to ensure that the object
and source are the same as was specified on CRTSFLPGM.

The  DDS source  can be changed  and created normally  with the CRTDSPF
command.  An  option exists on  RPLSFLPGM to bypass  the create of  the
display file by use of DSPFMBR(*NONE).

For an alternative  to the use of RPLSFLPGM, see  the section on 'Using
the ARRLF parameter'.

Creating the objects using CRTDSPF and CRTRPG commands

If  you need specific parameter  options provided by  CRTDSPF or one of
the RPG create commands, the following should be considered:

  **   No exceptions exist  for CRTDSPF.  Just  use the normal  CRTDSPF

  **   The RPG  program opens  the dummy  TAASTDHA file  as an  arrival
       sequence  file.  Prior to  opening the file,  the TAASTDHA dummy
       file is  overridden  to the  keyed  file.   If  you  create  the
       program using  a CRTrpg command,  you must  first use an  OVRDBF
       command.    An alternative  exists  that  allows  a second  real
       file.  See the section on 'Using the ARRLF parameter'.

       If  you  use  the  override  technique,  you  must  override the
       TAASTDHA file to your keyed file such as:

             OVRDBF    FILE(TAASTDHA) TOFILE(xxx)
             CRTrpg    ...

Using the ARRLF parameter

An  alternative  to  using   RPLSFLPGM,  is  to  use   CRTSFLPGM  ARRLF
parameter and  name an  arrival sequence LF  built over the  keyed file
specified  for  the FILE  parameter.   The  arrival sequence  file must
exist.   This causes  the  generated code  to use  the ARRLF  file  and
allows  both  the display  file  and  the  RPG  program to  be  created
normally (no OVR command is needed).

CRTSFLPGM escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Either the DSPF or RPG program failed to create
      TAA9892    The DSPF and RPG program created, but some
                   errors were found (eg fields dropped)

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Program run time messages

There  are no  escape messages  sent  from the  program intended  to be
monitored  for.    Certain  disaster  situations  may  cause  a  unique
display or send an escape message.

CRTSFLPGM command parameters                          *CMD

   FILE          The qualified  name of  a keyed  file to be  used.   A
                 maximum of  5 key fields  may exist.   The maximum key
                 length  of any one  key field cannot  exceed 50 bytes.

                 Either a  physical  file  or  a logical  file  with  a
                 single format may be specified.

                 The library  qualifier defaults to *LIBL.   *CURLIB or
                 a specific library may be entered.

                 Because  the  file  name  will  be  used  in  the  REF
                 keyword of the generated DDS,  the file must exist  on
                 the library list when CRTSFLPGM is used.

                 If  RPGTYPE(RPG) is  used,  the file  name  must be  8
                 characters or less.

   TITLE         The title  of the subfile program to  be created.  The
                 default is *RPGSRCMBR meaning  to take the value  from
                 the  RPG  source  member.   If  the  member  does  not
                 exist, an escape message is sent.

                 The  first   time  an  RPG  member   is  created,  the
                 standard  text  '-Subfile  Program'  is  added  to the
                 TITLE value as a  text description on the RPG  and DDS
                 source.    If  *RPGSRCMBR  is specified  and  the  RPG
                 member  exists with text  that ends  with the standard
                 text,  it  is  stripped  off  for  the  title  of  the

                 Up  to  30  characters  may be  entered.    The  title
                 appears  at the top  of the generated  displays and in
                 the text of the members and objects created.

   OBJLIB        The library where  the generated  program and  display
                 file will  be created.   The  default is  *CURLIB.   A
                 specific library may be entered.

   ALWCHG        A *YES/*NO  value for whether changes  will be allowed
                 even if the user is authorized.

                 *YES  is the default  to allow changes  if the user is

                 *NO may  be  specified to  make '5=Display'  the  only
                 option.   This  makes the  subfile program  an inquiry

                 *NO must be used for a joined file.

   COLHDG        The  number  of column  heading lines  that  should be
                 provided for.

                 The default is 1.

                 An entry  of 2 or  3 may  be specified  in which  case
                 the screen layout  will allow for what  was requested,
                 but  the only text  descriptions provided  will be for
                 the last  line.    After the  display  file  has  been
                 created and  you are  satisfied with  the layouts  and
                 text  descriptions,  use   a  source  editor  for  the
                 display  file source,  scan for ZZCOLHDS,  and add the
                 additional column heading lines.

   SPACING       The number  of spaces  between subfile  columns.   The
                 default  is  3.   A  number between  1  and  9 may  be
                 specified.   A subfile  column width  is determined by
                 the  width  of  the  field  (minimum  of  3)  and  any
                 additional characters required for editing.

   RPGMBR        The RPG  source member name to  be used which  is also
                 used  as  the object  name of  the  generated program.
                 Up to 10 characters may be entered.

                 *DFT is the  default meaning that  the data base  file
                 name is used.

                 The  member   and  program   must  not  exist   unless
                 REPLACE(*YES) or REPLACE(*YES2) is specified.

   DSPFMBR       The DDS  source member name  to be used  which is also
                 used  as  the  object name  of  the  generated display

                 *DFT is the  default meaning that  the data base  file
                 name is  used followed  by a D.   For example,  if the
                 data  base  file  name is  ABCD,  the  DDS  member and
                 object name will be ABCDD.

                 If RPGTYPE(RPG) is  specified, the  display file  name
                 will be used  in the RPG F spec and  only 8 characters
                 may  be entered.   This  requires  the data  base file
                 name to be 7 characters or less if *DFT is used.

                 The member  and display  file  must not  exist  unless
                 REPLACE(*YES) or REPLACE(*YES2) is specified.

   SRCLIB        The  source  library where  the  source  files  exist.
                 *LIBL is the default.

                 A specific library or *CURLIB may be specified.

   RPGTYPE       The type  of RPG source file  to be used.   RPG is the
                 default.  RPGLE may be specified.

   TGTRLS        The  target release  of the  RPG program  that will be
                 created.    This  is   the  same  value  as   used  on
                 CRTRPGPGM or  CRTBNDRPG and is passed thru  to the CRT

                 *CURRENT  is  the  default.   *PRV  may  be specified.
                 Use the command prompter  to see the specific  release
                 names that may also be entered.

   RPGSRCF       The  RPG source  file to  be  used.   *RPGTYPE is  the
                 default meaning  to use the standard  source file name
                 based on the RPGTYPE parameter value.

                 With RPGTYPE(RPG), QRPGSRC is used.

                 With RPGTYPE(RPGLE), QRPGLESRC is used.

                 A specific name may also be entered.

   DSPFSRCF      The DDS source file  to be used  for the DSPF  source.
                 QDDSSRC is the default.

                 A specific name may also be entered.

   REPLACE       A  *YES/*YES2/*NO parameter  that  determines  whether
                 the source members and objects may already exist.

                 *NO  is the  default  meaning the  members  and object
                 names  must not exist.   An escape  message will occur
                 if they do.

                 If  *YES is  specified,  the  date/time  of  the  last
                 source change  of the members are  checked against the
                 corresponding  date/time in  the RPG and  display file

                 If the date/time values are  the same, no source  code
                 changes  have occurred.    New  source statements  are
                 generated  and  replace  the  existing  source.    The
                 objects  are  re-created.    If  the  objects  do  not
                 exist, they are created.

                 If the  date/time  values differ  from either  object,
                 an  escape  message is  issued  warning  you that  any
                 source  changes  will  be lost.    You  should specify
                 REPLACE(*YES2) or consider the use of RPLSFLPGM.

                 *YES/*YES2  are intended  for  such  situations  where
                 you  have  used  CRTSFLPGM  and  after  reviewing  the
                 results,  you decide to  make a change  using the menu
                 that appears during CRTSFLPGM.

                 For  example,  you  may   decide  to  re-arrange   the
                 columns  in  the  subfile  or  make  different  column
                 headings or detail field descriptive text.

                 Because  the  display  file  source contains  comments
                 about your  original design,  you  can pick  up  where
                 you left off  without having to make the  same changes

                 If  the display file  source was  not created  for the
                 file  that was named,  any existing stored information
                 is discarded.

                 A *YES is rejected  if the members to be  replaced are
                 not RPG  or DSPF  types.  A  *YES is also  rejected if
                 the  objects to  be deleted  do not  have RPG  or DSPF

                 The  *YES2  option  is  available  if  you  have  made
                 source  changes,  but  want  to  start  over.    *YES2
                 starts over  based on the special  comments in the DDS
                 source.  Any changes you  have made to either the  RPG
                 or DDS source will be discarded.

                 See the  RPLSFLPGM  command to  re-create the  objects
                 without re-generating the source.

                 If  you need to  re-use CRTSFLPGM after  making source
                 changes,   you  should   copy  your   original  source
                 members to  allow  any changes  you  have made  to  be
                 re-incorporated and then specify REPLACE((*YES2).

                 If the  format of  the file has  changed, you  may use
                 CRTSFLPGM  again to incorporate  the changes.   If you
                 have  made  changes  to  the  generated  source,   you
                 should copy your original source members first.

   ARRLF         An  arrival   sequence  logical  file  may   be  named
                 instead  of using  a second  open  of the  keyed file.
                 This  approach  should  be   considered  if  you   are
                 planning many  source changes  and re-compiles of  the
                 RPG program.

   ARRLF         Creating an  arrival sequence logical  file avoids the
                 use  of RPLSFLPGM  and the requirement  for running an
                 OVR  command  prior  to  creating  the   RPG  program.
                 Naming  an arrival  sequence logical  file allows  the
                 direct  use of the  RPG created commands or  by use of

If a file is  named, it must be an  arrival sequence logical file  with
the  same format  as the  keyed file  and in  the same  library as  the
keyed file.

RPLSFLPGM command parameters                          *CMD

   FILE          The  qualified   name  of  the  keyed  file  that  was
                 specified on CRTSFLPGM.

                 The library qualifier defaults  to *LIBL.  *CURLIB  or
                 a specific library may be entered.

                 Because  the  file  name  will  be  used  in  the  REF
                 keyword of  the generated DDS, the file  must exist on
                 the library list when CRTSFLPGM is used.

                 If  RPGTYPE(RPG)  is used,  the  file name  must  be 8
                 characters or less.

   OBJLIB        The library  where the  generated program and  display
                 file  will be  created.   The default  is *CURLIB.   A
                 specific library may be entered.

   RPGMBR        The  RPG source member  name to be used  which is also
                 used as  the object  name  of the  generated  program.
                 Up to 10 characters may be entered.

                 *DFT is  the default meaning  that the data  base file
                 name is used.

   DSPFMBR       The  DDS source member name  to be used  which is also
                 used as  the  object  name of  the  generated  display

                 *DFT is  the default meaning  that the data  base file
                 name  is used followed  by a D.   For example,  if the
                 data  base  file  name  is ABCD,  the  DDS  member and
                 object name will be ABCDD.

                 *NONE may be specified  to avoid the re-create of  the
                 display file.   You may  prefer to create  the display
                 file using the normal CRTDSPF command.

                 If  RPGTYPE(RPG) is  specified, the display  file name
                 will be used in the  RPG F spec and only 8  characters
                 may  be entered.   This  requires the  data base  file
                 name to be 7 characters or less if *DFT is used.

                 The  member  and display  file must  not  exist unless
                 REPLACE(*YES) is specified.

   SRCLIB        The source  library  where  the  source  files  exist.
                 *LIBL is the default.

                 A specific library or *CURLIB may be specified.

   RPGTYPE       The type of  RPG source file to  be used.  RPG  is the
                 default.  RPGLE may be specified.

   TGTRLS        The  target release of  the RPG  program that  will be
                 created.     This  is  the   same  value  as  used  on
                 CRTRPGPGM or CRTBNDRPG and  is passed thru to  the CRT

                 *CURRENT  is  the default.    *PRV  may be  specified.
                 Use  the command prompter to  see the specific release
                 names that may also be entered.

   RPGSRCF       The RPG  source file  to  be used.   *RPGTYPE  is  the
                 default meaning to  use the standard source  file name
                 based on the RPGTYPE parameter value.

                 With RPGTYPE(RPG), QRPGSRC is used.

                 With RPGTYPE(RPGLE), QRPGLESRC is used.

                 A specific name may also be entered.

   DSPFSRCF      The  DDS source file to  be used for  the DSPF source.
                 QDDSSRC is the default.

                 A specific name may also be entered.


  **   A keyed  data file  with a  key length  greater than  0 must  be
       used.  A multi-format logical file may not be used.

  **   A maximum of 5 key fields may exist in the keyed file.

  **   Key fields may not exceed 50 characters in length.

  **   Key fields  may  not be  date (L),  time (T),  or timestamp  (Z)

  **   Key fields may not use an ALIAS keyword.

  **   For RPG  III, the maximum  field length is 256  characters.  The
       subfile  program  will not  be created  if  a field  exceeds 256

       The reason  for the  restriction has to  do with  the fact  that
       fields  greater   than  256  characters  are   treated  as  data
       structures.   Since the field  will exist in  both the keyed and
       arrival sequence  file  formats,  the compiler  sends  an  error
       stating  that  a field  name  cannot  be  used  as both  a  data
       structure and as a sub field.

       Other RPG III restrictions for data base fields include:

         --   Field  names longer than 6  characters are not supported.

         --   Binary 8 length fields are not supported.

         --   Floating point fields are not supported.

         --   Variable length fields are not supported.

         --   Null capable fields are not supported.

  **   For RPG IV (RPGLE),  the maximum field length  is 1170 which  is
       the maximum size that  will fit on one detail screen  (1 line of
       50 and  14 lines of  80).  If  a field exceeds  1170 characters,
       it  will  be dropped  and the  subfile  program will  be created
       without  the  large  field.     Null  capable  fields   are  not

  **   The following  data types are supported:  Character (A), Decimal
       (P,S,B)  Date  (L),  Time  (T),  and  Timestamp  (Z).   Variable
       length fields (W) are supported in RPGLE.

  **   Only  character  and  decimal  fields  are  supported   for  the
       special validity  checking options.   The  first 40 fields  will
       be   assigned  indicators  to   allow  for   reverse  image  and
       positioning of the cursor if an  error occurs.  If more than  40
       fields  specify some  validity  checking,  the excess  is  still
       checked,  but  the  reverse  image  and  cursor  positioning  is
       dropped.  The error text describes the field in error.

  **   A  limit  of  20 screens  exists  for  either the  Display  of a
       record or the  Change/Add displays.   Each screen has a  maximum
       of  15 fields.    Fields with  50  characters or  less take  one
       line.   If a field  exceeds 50 characters,  each extra line will
       hold 80 characters.

       A single  field will not  be split  over multiple  screens.   If
       the  screen  layout  would  cause  a  split,  a  new  screen  is

       Thus  a  file  containing 300  fields  where  each  field is  50
       characters or less  may be  completely displayed  (20 screens  x
       15 lines).   If  more fields exist  than can  fit, they  will be
       dropped, but the subfile program will be created.

  **   The maximum  number of fields  which can exist  in a file  to be
       used by CRTSFLPGM is 998.

  **   A  field with  a length greater  than 50 characters  will not be
       generated for the subfile display.

  **   'Position To'  fields are  provided at  the top  of the  display
       for the key fields  of the file.  It may not  be possible to fit
       all  key fields on the line in  which case the excess is dropped
       and a message appears in the listing.

  **   The description  of  a  'Position to'  field  may be  up  to  15

  **   There is  one line  of column  heading for  each subfile  field.
       Two   or  3  lines   may  be   requested,  but  only   the  text
       descriptions for  the last  line  are provided  for.   A  source
       editor must  be used  to add  any other lines  once the  display
       file  has been  created.   The  minimum length  for  each column
       width is 3 characters.

  **   The  field  description  in  the  Display  of  a  record  or the
       Change/Add display  must  be  23 characters  or  less.   The  23
       character   limit   also   applies   to   the   subfile   column

  **   Single   quote   characters   in   any   text   description  are
       automatically  doubled  to  allow   the  proper  display.     If
       consecutive quotes  exist such  as "O''Neil",  they are  left as
       is.    The  double  quotes  will  appear  when the  samples  are
       displayed and  are  stored  in  the display  file  in  the  same
       manner.   When  the display  file is  created,  the system  will
       turn them into single quotes.

  **   The  program that is  created will  invoke TAA  functions during
       run  time which  requires the  TAATOOL library  to exist  on the
       system the program is called on.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ABORT           Abort
     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKDAT3         Check date 3
     CHKLIBL         Check library list
     CVTTIM          Convert time
     DSPDBFA         Display data base file attributes
     DSPFMT          Display format
     DSPMBRD         Display member description
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Lock message
     RPGSTSDS        RPG status data structure
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve field attributes
     RTVFLDARR       Retrieve field array
     RTVKEYLST       Retrieve key list
     RTVLFMD         Retrieve logical file member
     RTVFMT          Retrieve format
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     RTVVALA         Retrieve value attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTSFLPGM     *CMD                   TAASTDH       QATTCMD
   RPLSFLPGM     *CMD                   TAASTDH2      QATTCMD
   TAASTDHC      *PGM       CLP         TAASTDHC      QATTCL
   TAASTDHC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASTDHC2     QATTCL
   TAASTDHC11    *PGM       CLP         TAASTDHC11    QATTCL
   TAASTDHR11    *PGM       RPG         TAASTDHR11    QATTRPG
   TAASTDHR12    *PGM       RPG         TAASTDHR12    QATTRPG
   TAASTDHR13    *PGM       RPG         TAASTDHR12    QATTRPG
   TAASTDHR21    *PGM       RPG         TAASTDHR21    QATTRPG
   TAASTDHR22    *PGM       RPG         TAASTDHR22    QATTRPG
   TAASTDHR23    *PGM       RPG         TAASTDHR23    QATTRPG
   TAASTDHP      *FILE      PF

The name TAASTDHA  appears in the generated  RPG source as the  name of
the arrival  sequence file.   This file does  not exist in  TAATOOL and
is overridden at run time to the keyed file name.

The  file TAASTDHP contains the  source for the display  file, RPG, and
RPGLE.   Positions  1-5  uses a  value  that  is read  by  TAASTDHR  to
generate the  source.  Statements without  a value in 1-5  are ignored.
Some statements are copied as is and some are modified.


    TAASTDHR11  RPG       Rejects RPG for Binary 8, flt point, etc
    TAASTDHR12  RPG       Rejects RPGLE floating point
    TAASTDHR   RPG        Main processing program
      TAASTDHD    DSPF    Menu
      TAASTDHR21  RPG     Detail field description changes
        TAASTDHE    DSPF
      TAASTDHR22  RPG     Position to changes
        TAASTDHF    DSPF
      TAASTDHR23  RPG     Column heading changes
        TAASTDHG    DSPF


Run time of the created program

       TAASTDHC11 Gets level ID and other parameters

       TAASTDHR13  Displays   validity  checking  information  TAASTDHH

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2005

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