TAA Tools
CRTVTP          CREATE VIRTUAL TAPE                    TAATAPN

The  Create  Virtual   Tape  tool  provides  a  simple   interface  for
creating,  displaying,  and deleting  a  virtual tape  structure.   The
intent  of  the CRTVTP  tool  is that  you  would create  or  replace a
virtual tape  structure  each  time you  need  to  use a  virtual  tape
function and replace or delete it after the tape media is written.

The system virtual tape support uses:

       - A virtual tape resource - a hardware resource
       - A virtual tape device - must be 'varied on'
       - An IFS directory - will contain the saved data in a STMF
       - An image catalog - must be kept in a 'ready' status
       - An image catalog entry - must be in a 'mounted' status

Any SAVxxx  command including  SAVLIB(*NONSYS) may be  used to  save to
virtual  tape.   The data  is saved  to the  IFS.   Since media  is not
involved during the save, an unattended save can occur.

The system DUPTAP  command is  used to  copy from the  virtual tape  to
actual media.

Virtual tape  can be used  with the SAVSYSBCH TAA  Tool.  Thus  you can
back  up the  entire system in  an unattended  manner from a  batch job
which can be scheduled for a specific time.

To use  the system  support directly,  you must  be familiar  with  the
concepts and functions.

The CRTVTP TAA  tool allows a simple  approach where the user  does not
directly use  most of the  functions.  CRTVTP  is intended to  create a
virtual  tape structure.  After creating  a structure, you would do the


An alternative is to  also use RPLVTP command when the  process begins.
This ensures  that the device is varied  on, the image catalog  is in a
'ready'  state and  the required  storage is  at a  minimum.   Each use
would then be:


The overhead to  do RPLVTP is fairly  minimal.  If  you use the  RPLVTP
approach, the  basic structure  will remain using  about 300K  (most of
this is caused by the minimum amount of an image catalog).

If you  need to review and  control the status, the  TAA WRKVTP command
provides a work display with a variety of options and functions.

You must  be  authorized  to the  TAAVTP  and  TAACVTIFS  Authorization
lists to use most of the supplied commands:

  **   CRTVTP.  Creates a virtual tape structure.

  **   DLTVTP.   Deletes  a virtual  tape structure.    Only a  virtual
       tape structure created by CRTVTP may be deleted.

  **   DSPVTP.   Displays the  virtual tape  devices and  the available
       virtual tape resources.

  **   RDYVTP.   Ensures the image catalogs  created by CRTVTP are in a
       'ready' status and  the corresponding  devices are 'varied  on'.

  **   RPLVTP.    Replaces  the   structure  built  by  CRTVTP  to  its
       original values.

  **   WRKVTP.   Provides  a work display  to allow  review and control
       of any virtual tape structures created by CRTVTP.

  **   CRTVTPRSC.  Creates or describes  a virtual tape resource to  be

System virtual tape advantages and support

The system virtual  tape support allows an online save  from any SAVxxx
command to  a stream file in the IFS.   Multiple libraries may be saved
to the  same  virtual  tape  device with  a  single  command  including
SAVLIB LIB(*NONSYS).   When multiple  libraries are  saved on a  single
command,  the  system  overlaps  the  allocation  and  deallocation  of
resources.   This differs from *SAVF  objects which allow only a single
library per save file object and no overlap of allocation occurs.

The virtual tape  save function can occur  unattended.  The writing  to
offline  media occurs  by using  the DUPTAP  command which  copies from
the virtual tape device data to an actual tape device.

The  system  support requires  the  use  of a  tape  device description
which is defined with a resource  name of *VRT for virtual.  A  virtual
tape resource must  be named or be  created.  An image  catalog must be
created along with an entry describing the volume to be saved to.

To  use the  function at the  system level,  you must be  familiar with
several concepts and details.

Basics of virtual tape resources

A virtual tape device must refer to a virtual tape resource.

A virtual  tape resource  is not  an  object type  on the  system,  but
rather a hardware resource.   There are no system  commands to directly
create or delete a virtual tape resource.

A  virtual  tape  resource  is  automatically  created  by  the  system
CRTDEVTAP  command  using  RSRCNAME(*VRT) when  no  available resources
exist.  The names TAPVRT01-TAPVRT9999  are used, but only 35  may exist
at  one time.   The  system solution  has a  tendency to  create excess
resources  rather than use an existing  resource.  An existing resource
will only  be  used  if  it  is  in a  'Not  detected'  status.    This
overlooks the 'Operational'  status which means a resource  is not tied
to  an  existing  device.    The  status  conditions are  described  in
further detail later.

Multiple tape device descriptions  may refer to  the same virtual  tape
resource, but only  one such device description  may be varied on  at a

Virtual tape  resources require only  a small amount of  storage so the
space requirement is rarely a consideration.

Once  created, a  virtual tape  resource can  only be deleted  by using
the DST service tools at IPL or SST.  Its best to avoid doing this.

Getting started

  **   The TAA command  WRKVTP provides a  type of 'one stop  shopping'
       to  review  and  control   virtual  tape.    You  should  become
       familiar  with the command and its options.   You must have *USE
       authority to  the TAAVTP  and TAACVTIFS  authorization lists  to
       use WRKVTP  as well as  the other TAA  commands included  in the
       CRTVTP tool.

       WRKVTP has no parameters and would be entered as:


  **   If  no virtual tape  devices exist, the  error messages describe
       that you  should  use  F8  to  see  a  list  of  available  tape
       resources.   If  no  tape resource  exist,  you will  receive  a
       prompt  that   allows  you  to  create  10.     This  should  be
       sufficient for most usage.

       The  Available  Tape  Resource display  describes  any resources
       that are in a 'Not detected' or 'Operational' status.

       The 'Not detected' status  indicates that the resource  reported
       in  at a  previous IPL,  but is  not in  use now.   This  is the
       normal  status for  a resource  that has  not been  in use  to a
       virtual tape device since the last IPL.

       The 'Operational' status  indicates that  the resource has  been
       in use since  the last IPL, but  is not currently in  use.  This
       would  occur if  you just  created the resource  or if  you used
       the resource  with CRTVTP  and  then used  DLTVTP for  the  same
       virtual device.

       In order  to  create a  virtual tape  device  using CRTVTP,  you
       must  know  the  name   of  a  virtual  tape  resource  that  is

         --   If  the  Available Tape  Resources display  describes one
              or more tape  resources, you can  position the cursor  to
              one  and use F19.   This  will end  the display,  and the
              tape  resource you  selected  will appear  at the  top of
              the WRKVTP  display  (upper  right hand  corner)  and  is
              ready for use with CRTVTP.

         --   If you  do not  have any  virtual tape resources,  return
              to  the  WRKVTP display  and  use F9.    If  virtual tape
              resources already  exist  in the  'Not  detected'  state,
              the  first   of   those  resources   will  be   returned.
              Otherwise,  this will  cause a  virtual tape  resource to
              be  created.   and the  completion message  will describe
              the resource  name that  was created.   The  name of  the
              resource  will also  appear  at the  top  of the  display
              (upper  right  hand corner)  and  is ready  for  use with
              CRTVTP.    Note  that  when  F9  creates  a  resource  it
              immediately  places  it in  Operational  status,  meaning
              the resource is in use, or is planned to be in use.

  **   Before creating  a virtual tape device,  you must understand the
       CRTVTP DENSITY parameter.

       You must  ensure that  the density  (the tape  block size)  that
       will   eventually  be   written   to   tape  using   DUPTAP   is
       synchronized  with what is  specified on  CRTVTP (this  value is
       passed  thru to  the image  catalog entry).   To  understand the
       value to  be specified,  you must know  the block  size that  is
       written by a SAVxxx command using USEOPTBLK(*YES).

       Use F6 from  WRKVTP to prompt for the  CRTVTP command and review
       the   help  text  for  the  DENSITY   parameter  (or  the  later
       discussion of the command parameter).

       The DUPTAP TODENSITY  parameter should  normally have this  same
       value.  See the later section on 'DUPTAP command'.

       If you have  a single or identical tape devices  on your system,
       you  can set a  system wide  default with the  Application Value
       your default.   This  will allow  the CRTVTP  command to  assume
       the system wide default.

  **   You are  now ready to  create a virtual  tape device.   The name
       VRT01 will be used in the following examples.

       From the WRKVTP display, use F6 to prompt for CRTVTP.

       Enter the values as:

            DENSITY - If you used EDTAPPVAL as described previously,
                        you should see the assigned value.
                        If not, enter a *VRTnnnK value.

       Assuming  you  had selected  a resource,  the name  you selected
       would appear in the RSRCNAME parameter as the default.

       You should see the TEXT  parameter as 'Created by TAA  CRTVTP on
       xx/xx/xx'.   This value  is filled in  from the  prompt override

       Take the defaults for the other parameters which include:

         --   An  option exists to place the data  in an IASP.  See the
              ASP parameter.

         --   An option to  describe the maximum  storage that will  be
              allowed.  See the later discussion.

         --   The AUT parameter  controls access to the  Virtual Device
              and Image  Catalog.  The default is  *EXCLUDE.  This will
              prevent any  user  from  saving  to  the  virtual  device
              unless specifically authorized.

         --   The  DIRAUT   parameter  controls   access  to  the   IFS
              Directory  that   will  be  created.     It  defaults  to
              *EXCLUDE.    This prevents  a user  from using  WRKLNK to
              access or work with the IFS object.

         --   The  key  feature of  controlling  security  for  Virtual
              Tape  is   authorization  to  the   Virtual  Tape  Device
              descriptions.   Only those  users you want to  be able to
              use Virtual  Tape should  be  authorized to  the  Virtual
              Tape Device  descriptions.  See  the later  discussion of
              'Virtual Tape Device Authorization'.

       After  Enter is  pressed, the WRKVTP  display will  be refreshed
       so you should see the device you created.

       You should see  that the  device is  'varied on'.   In order  to
       save to a virtual  tape device, the device must  be 'varied on'.
       CRTVTP creates  and 'varies on' the device.   The device is also
       specified to 'vary on' at IPL.

       The  status of  the Image  Catalog is  shown.   It must be  in a
       'ready' status to allow a save.

       A size is shown from the  size of the *STMF in the IFS.   Before
       any data is  saved to the virtual tape, there  is a default size
       (varies per release).

  **   You are  now ready to save to the  virtual tape device.  End the
       WRKVTP display  and return  to command  entry.   Choose a  small
       library and enter:

           SAVLIB     LIB(xxx) DEV(VRT01)

  **   Use WRKVTP to review the status.


       You  should see  the size  has  increased and  will be  somewhat
       larger than the size of the library that was saved.

  **   Use  WRKVTP Option 7  (TAA DSPTAPLBL)  to review the  tape label
       information.   It will  describe the  date the  first label  (if
       any) was written or if any files exist.

  **   Use WRKVTP  Option 8  (TAA DSPSAVTAP)  to see  the objects  that
       were saved.

  **   To  write  from  the  virtual  tape  device to  an  actual  tape
       device, mount a tape and use DUPTAP such as:

           DUPTAP     FROMDEV(VRT01) TODEV(xxx) CHECK(*xxx)
                        TOENDOPT(*REWIND) TODENSITY(*VRTnnnK)

       A  CHECK(*NO) value  allows you to  write over  the first active
       file on the  media.  Note  that the TOENDOPT parameter  defaults
       to  *UNLOAD, but  for  the  test, use  *REWIND.   The  TODENSITY
       value  should agree with  what was specified on  CRTVTP (see the
       section on DUPTAP).

  **   You can use  DSPSAVTAP to review  what has been  written to  the
       tape.  Specify the actual tape device:

            DSPSAVTAP  DEV(xxx)

       You should see  the same information that you saw  with Option 8
       from the WRKVTP display of the virtual tape device.

  **   An  IPL will reset  the image catalog  to a 'not  ready' status.
       The device is created  with ONLINE(*YES) so  it is normally  not
       necessary to vary on the device.

       You can  simulate the status  of an image  catalog after an  IPL
       by  unloading the image  catalog.   Return to command  entry and


       Then  enter WRKVTP  again.   You should  see that the  status is
       now '*NOTRDY'.

       A simple TAA  command (RDYVTP) exists  to ensure the device  and
       image catalog  are in  the proper status.   Use F7  (RDYVTP) and
       check the results.

       The  RDYVTP command finds  all image catalogs  created by CRTVTP
       and ensures they  are in  a 'ready' status.   The  corresponding
       devices are ensured to be 'varied on'.

  **   CRTVTP creates  an image  catalog of  the same  name as the  the
       virtual device.   Image catalogs are  always created in QUSRSYS.
       You can review the  image catalog by  using Option 6  (WRKIMGCLG
       system command).

  **   Use  Option 12  from  the WRKIMGCLG  display  to see  the  image
       catalog  entries  associated with  the  image  catalog that  was
       created   (this  could  also  be   accessed  directly  with  the
       WRKIMGCLGE command).

  **   You should  see that  there is  only one entry  and it  is in  a
       'mounted'  status.   This is  the required  status to  perform a
       save   or  DUPTAP   operation.     If   you  review   the  'help
       information' for  the status  field, you  can see  that this  is
       the actual  status only  if the  image catalog  is in a  'ready'
       status.   Keeping the  image catalog  in a 'ready'  status would
       not be necessary  if you  begin each save  function with  RPLVTP
       or RDYVTP.

       The other status  value you may  see for an image  catalog entry
       is 'loaded'  which means the  entry is available  to be mounted.

       An  analogy  is to  consider the  image catalog  as a  CD player
       with several slots  for CDs that can  be 'loaded', but only  one
       can be played  at a time.  The  one you want to play  must be in
       a  'mounted'  status.   There  can only  be one  in  a 'mounted'
       status.   The  'mounted' status  is  required  to use  a  SAVxxx
       command or the DUPTAP command.

       Each  entry  represents one  volume  that  was  saved to.    You
       should  see the name VOL001.   If a save  operation exceeded the
       maximum  size,  an  additional  volume  would  be  automatically
       created with  a large  maximum size.   Generating an  additional
       volume   complicates  the   use   of  DUPTAP   (see   the  later
       discussion)  and therefore  the maximum  size (MAXSTG parameter)
       specified on  CRTVTP should be  a large value.   The default  is
       to assign a  value of 50% of the  unused space in ASP 1.   If an
       IASP  is described,  it  is the  unused space  in  ASP 1  of the

       Use F11  from the  Work  Image Catalog  Entries display  to  see
       size information.   Unlike WRKVTP, only  the maximum size  and a
       percentage are  shown.  You have to  perform a multiplication to
       determine the  size in  MB.   Performing a  multiplication  will
       not necessarily  provide an accurate  value because  the minimum
       percentage is  0.1 of the  maximum size.   If you saved  a large
       amount  of data,  the multiplication  will provide  a reasonable

       The size  shown  on WRKVTP  comes  from the  size of  the  *STMF
       associated with the virtual devices.

  **   Use WRKLNK to review the root as:

             WRKLNK   /

       Use Option 5  to see the directories.  Rollup  until you see the
       TAAVTP  directory.  This  is created automatically  on the first
       use of CRTVTP.

       Use  Option   5   for   the   TAAVTP  directory   to   see   the
       subdirectories of  TAAVTP.  You  should see a  sub-directory for
       the name of your virtual tape device VRT01.

       Use Option  5 for the VRT01 sub-directory  to see the STMF which
       has a name of VOL001.

       Use  Option  8  for  the  VOL001  stream  file  to  review   the
       attributes which  includes the  actual size  (rollup to page  2)
       in the IFS.

  **   Return to the WRKVTP display.

       Enter Option  3 to replace a virtual tape  structure.  This will
       delete  the existing  structure and  re-create it.   This causes
       the size  to be minimized  and ensures the  device is varied  on
       and the image catalog is in a 'ready' status.

  **   You  may  use Option  4  to  delete  a virtual  tape  structure.
       However,  once a structure is created,  the simplest solution is
       to  use  RPLVTP  (Option  3).    There  is  approximately   600K
       required to have  an empty virtual tape structure  (most of this
       is required for an empty image catalog).

Why replace the virtual tape structure after each usage

The  recommended approach  avoids some  pitfalls and  tries to  make it
very simple.

It is  possible to  re-use  the structure  you  have created  by  doing
another save with  CLEAR(*ALL) or INZTAP  (or the TAA  CLRTAP command).

However, you are exposed to the following:

  **   If  you save  a  large amount  of  data, the  allocated  size is
       fixed  in the IFS.  Writing a smaller  amount of data or using a
       function like INZTAP does not change the allocated size.

  **   If you  re-IPL, the  status of the  image catalog  goes to  'not
       ready'.   You must  use RDYVTP or  LODIMGCLG or the  load option
       on WRKIMGCLG to place it in a 'ready' status.

  **   Attempting  to fully  understand the  intricacies of  the system
       support when  something is  in error  is non-trivial.   You  can
       spend  a good  deal  of time  attempting  to  understand how  it
       works and it is not easy to remember.

SAVxxx functions

As  with  saving  directly  to  media,  you  may have  multiple  SAVxxx
commands and add  data to  the same virtual  tape device.   The  SEQNBR
parameter defaults to *END.

Avoid specifying DTACPR(*YES) when saving to a virtual tape device.

The SAV command  may be used to save  from the IFS.  The  DEV parameter
would be entered as:

            SAV    DEV('/qsys.lib/vrt01.devd') OBJ(xxx)

Typical CRTVTP approach

The TAA  solution avoids the complexities of the  system solution.  The
intent  is  you  would create  a  virtual tape  structure,  perform the
save, do  DUPTAP to  offload  the data,  and then  replace the  virtual
tape structure  with RPLVTP.   With this approach,  you do not  have to
concern yourself with the complexities of the system approach.

A  typical approach would be two  CL programs.  You  must first use the
CRTVTP  function to  create  a  virtual  tape  structure.    The  first
program would contain:

             RPLVTP       VRTTAP(VRT01)
             SAVLIB       LIB(xxx ...) DEV(VRT01) ...

And a second program for:

             DUPTAP       FROMDEV(VRT01) TODEV(xxx)
                            CHECK(*xxx) TODENSITY(*VRTnnnK)
             RPLVTP       VRTTAP(VRT01)

While  there  is   some  overhead  in  using  RPLVTP,   it  avoids  the
complexities and keeps your online storage at a minimal amount.

If you  don't mind the amount  of storage required for  a save existing
on your  system and  use  CLEAR(*ALL) on  the  SAV command,  you  could
replace the  first RPLVTP  command with  RDYVTP which  will cause  less
overhead.  RDYVTP ensures the structure is ready to be used.

If you  wanted to do the whole function  unattended at a specific time,
you  could mount a tape  and combine the above  functions into a single

  **   The  RPLVTP   command  deletes   the   existing  structure   and
       re-creates  it  using  an   internal  CRTVTP.    This  does  the

         --   Creates the device and varies it on.

         --   Creates  an image catalog in QUSRSYS  by the same name as
              the virtual tape device.

         --   Creates the  /TAAVTP  directory  if it  does  not  exist.
              The *PUBLIC user is given all rights.

         --   Creates  a sub  directory  using the  VRT01  name in  the
              '/TAAVTP'  directory.    The *PUBLIC  user  is  given all

         --   Adds an image  catalog entry  with a default  size.   The
              CRTVTP MAXSTG  parameter allows you  to specify  a value,
              but  defaults  to *DFT  which  means  50%  of the  unused
              storage  in the  system ASP.   This is  not the allocated
              size,  but  rather  the  size  used  by   the  system  to
              determine  when to  start  another  virtual tape  volume.
              The  simplest solution is  to allow a  sufficient size to
              avoid having  the system  generate another  virtual  tape

              If  the amount  saved overflows  the  size specified,  it
              takes multiple  DUPTAP commands to output  to media.  See
              the later section on the 'DUPTAP' command.

         --   Loads the image catalog entry.

  **   The SAVLIB command does a normal  save of one or more  libraries
       to  the   virtual  tape   device.     You  should  not   specify
       DTACPR(*YES) as  this has an  adverse affect on save  time.  The
       data  is placed in the '/TAAVTP/VRT01'  directory in the IFS.  A
       stream file is created.

  **   The TAA  CHKSAVRST  command nets  out  the job  log  information
       relative to the  save.  This allows you  to easily determine any
       errors that may have occurred.

  **   The  DUPTAP command  copies the saved  data to  a specified tape
       device.   You will need  to specify  CHECK(*NO) if  there is  an
       active file  on the tape  and you want  to write over  the first
       file.   You will need to ensure  that the TODENSITY parameter is
       the same as that specified  on CRTVTP or can  be used.  See  the
       section on the 'DUPTAP command'.

  **   The RPLVTP  command recreates  the structure  and minimizes  the
       amount of online storage.

DUPTAP command

The  system DUPTAP  command  is used  to  write from  an  image catalog
entry  to offline media.   Assume you  used CRTVTP to  create the VRT01
tape device and did a save operation to VRT01.

A simple DUPTAP command would be:


This would  copy the data  from the  image catalog  entry to the  TAP01
device.  The  CHECK(*NO) entry would allow you to  write over an active

The  DUPTAP  command  allows identifying  the  volume  identifier which
would be needed if more than one catalog entry exists.

DUPTAP also  allows a  TODENSITY parameter  which can  be defaulted  in
some cases.   The  value should  normally be  consistent with what  was
used on CRTVTP.

Some  density differences  are  valid, but  the rules  vary  per device
type and  media type.    If you  use  different densities  between  the
CRTVTP  command and  the  DUPTAP  command, be  sure  to test  a  sample

Use F10 to see the additional parameters on DUPTAP.

If  you specified a  MAXSTG size  of 20  GB, saved 15  GB and  a single
media  only  holds 10  GB, DUPTAP  will prompt  for another  tape mount
when needed.  Restore  operations will work normally from  the multiple

If  you specified a  MAXSTG size  of 1GB  and saved  more than  1GB, an
additional  volume  would  be  created  in  the  image  catalog.    The
additional volume added would have  a large maximum size.  DUPTAP  will
only  write one  volume per  use of  the command.   You  will need  the
WRKIMGCLGE command  to review the volume names  generated by the system
which must be specified on DUPTAP.

Use of other tape commands

After a save command  occurs, you can review  the data with the  DSPTAP
command or for a more convenient use, the DSPSAVTAP TAA command.

INZTAP may be  used or the TAA CLRTAP  command.  These commands  do not
reset the allocated  size in the IFS.  The  allocated size can be reset
using the CHGIMGCLGE command with ALCSTG(*MIN).

However, for the simplest use, the RPLVTP command avoids confusion.

DUPTAP  may  be  used to  duplicate  from  one virtual  tape  device to

Other TAA  Tools that operate  on tape  devices may  also be used  such


DSPVTP data area

The  DSPVTP  command supports  the  DTAARA  parameter  which allows  an
option  on the DSPVTP  to output  the TAAVTP data  area in  QTEMP.  The
data area will contain a  list of the available virtual tape  resources
as seen on the  listing (this is the same information as  seen from the
WRKVTP F8 option for Available Resources).

You can access the first name in the list with the command:

                    RTVDTAARA   DTAARA(QTEMP/TAAVTP (1 10))

Or  a program could walk  thru the list  to see if  a specific resource
is available.

Automating the CRTVTP command

CRTVTP requires that  the virtual tape  resource that will  be used  is
specified for the RSRCNAME parameter.

A simple  solution is  to create  a sufficient number  of virtual  tape
resources so  you can assign them to specific  functions.  For example,
the  VRT05 tape device  could always be used  with the TAPVRT05 virtual
tape resource.

It is  possible to  write a  CL program  that will  allow the  resource
name  to be a  variable by  using the  DTAARA option  on DSPVTP.   This
creates  the  TAAVTP data  area  in QTEMP  which contains  the  list of
available resources.   Assuming you  have some  available virtual  tape
resources, you can access the data area and use the first name.

Note that  DSPVTP is  preferred over  CRTVTPRSC because  CRTVTPRSC will
add  a  new resource  if  no virtual  tape  resources are  in  the 'Not
detected' state.   In  general, you  should prevent  creating too  many

The CL code could look as follows:

             DCL        &DTAARA *CHAR LEN(2000)
             DCL        &RSRCNAME *CHAR LEN(10)
             CHGVAR     &RSRCNAME %SST(&DTAARA 1 10)
             IF         (&RSRCNAME *EQ ' ') DO
              .         /* Your handling of none available */
             CRTVTP     VRTTAP(VRTnn) DENSITY(*VRTnnnK) +

Virtual Tape Device Authorization

The  important  security  aspect  of  using  Virtual  Tape  is  who  is
authorized use to a Virtual Tape Device.

By default, a Virtual Device created by CRTVTP is *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE.

Any  user who  has *USE  authority to  a virtual  device is  allowed to
perform  a  SAVxxx  command  (as per  the  restrictions  of  the SAVxxx
command) and  use DUPTAP.   For example,  if the  user has the  special
authority  *SAVSYS,  any  SAV  command  may  be  used  on  any  object.
Without  SAVSYS, the user must have  *OBJEXIST authority to the objects
to be saved.

Even though the  user may  not be  authorized to the  Image Catalog  or
the IFS Directory, SAVxxx and DUPTAP may still be used.

CRTVTP Tool Authorization

Any   user  with   *USE   authority  to   the   TAAVTP  and   TAACVTIFS
Authorization  Lists may  use CRTVTP,  DLTVTP, DSPVTP,  RPLVTP, RDYVTP,

The following  programs  adopt the  QSECOFR  user profile,  but  ensure
that the user is  authorized to the TAAVTP and  TAACVTIFS authorization
lists as required:

        TAATAPNC       Create Virtual Tape
        TAATAPNC2      Delete Virtual Tape
        TAATAPNC4      Display Virtual Tape
        TAATAPNC6      Ready Virtual Tape
        TAATAPNC7      Work Virtual Tape
        TAATAPNC11     Sub program for IFS functions

DLTVTP, RPLVTP,  and the various WRKVTP functions  will only operate on
a  virtual tape  structure created  by CRTVTP.   A user  must have *ALL
authority to  the device description  and the  image catalog to  delete
or replace a virtual tape structure.

Any directories  created are set  according to the DIRAUT  parameter on
CRTVTP  which defaults to  *PUBLIC DTAAUT(*EXCLUDE).   OBJAUT(*NONE) is
specified.    During  the  running  of  WRKVTP  and  DSPVTP,   the  TAA
SWPUSRPRF (Swap  User Profile) command is  used to swap to  the QSECOFR
user  profile which ensures that  any user authorized  to the TAACVTIFS
and TAAVTP authorization  lists will  have access to  the IFS  objects.
This performs as an adopted program for IFS functions.

Using SWPUSRPRF in a save operation

A  user with  only  *SAVSYS  authority will  not  be  able to  save  to
Virtual Tape  unless he is authorized for *RWX  for the directories and
stream  files.   You may set  the *PUBLIC user  to these  rights or use
the SWPUSRPRF technique.

Because  program  adopt  does  not  allow  adoption  to  the  IFS,  the
SWPUSRPRF  command  may  be  used  during  a save  to  cause  the  same
function.    SWPUSRPRF  should  exist  in  a  program  that adopts  the
QSECOFR profile and is  authorized to those users  you want to be  able
to perform a specific save operation.

You must build up the command in a variable such as:

             DCL        &CMD *CHAR LEN(5000)
             CHGVAR     &CMD ('SAVLIB LIB(LIB1 LIB2) +
                          DEV(VRT01) ...')

Permanent virtual tape devices

The  recommended  approach with  the  CRTVTP  tool  is to  replace  the
virtual tape  structure after the SAVxxx data  has been written to tape
with DUPTAP.

This is  not a  requirement,  but is  the  simplest approach  to  avoid
confusion and  ensure  that the  space required  for the  save data  is
cleaned up.

You  could have  multiple virtual  tape  structures for  different save

It  is possible to have permanent  virtual tape structures in existence
that may be  re-used.  However, you  must become familiar with  keeping
the image catalog  'ready' and the image catalog  entry 'mounted'.  See
the next section on 'Additional virtual tape resources'.

Additional virtual tape resources

There are  several reasons why you may want  to have more than a single
virtual tape structure such as:

  **   Concurrent saves will be used.

  **   Multiple saves will occur before any use of DUPTAP.

  **   Individuals may  want  their  own  virtual  tape  structure  and
       determine when a SAVxxx should be run for their objects.

You may  need a unique  virtual tape device  and a unique  virtual tape
resource for each situation.

Use  the  WRKVTP command  with Option  8  to review  what  virtual tape
resources exist.  If  you need additional  virtual tape resources,  use
the WRKVTP F9  option (TAA CRTVTPRSC command) as  described previously.
If a new  resource is not created, you may  have to create a sufficient
number  of virtual tape  devices with CRTVTP so  that all the available
virtual tape resources are used.   Then CRTVTPRSC can be used to  add a
new  resource.   The completion  message will  describe if  an existing
virtual  tape  resource  name should  be  used or  a  new  resource was

Performance considerations

Avoid specifying DTACPR(*YES) when saving to a virtual tape device.

Because a SAVxxx command to virtual  tape is writing to disk (the  IFS)
as  opposed  to  tape,  the  number  of  disk  arms  is  a  performance
consideration.   The more disk  arms that exist, the  faster the SAVxxx
will occur.

If you have  few disk arms, you  may find that  using a SAVxxx  command
directly to tape will provide better performance.

An option  exists to place the  data in an  independent ASP.   This has
the advantage  of allowing you to  dedicate a disk arm  for the output.

Independent ASP Support

You  may create  a structure  to place the  IFS data  on an independent
ASP by specifying  a name  on the ASP  parameter of  CRTVTP.  Using  an
independent ASP can be a significant performance advantage.

When using  one of the xxxVTP  supplied commands, you  must ensure that
the  independent ASP  is  varied on.   The  SAVxxx and  DUPTAP commands
have the same requirement.

WRKVTP is tolerant of an ASP that  does not exist or is not varied  on,
but  the full  information  cannot  be provided.    The  ASP name  will
appear in reverse image if not varied on.

Contrast with other TAA Tools

  **   The  SAVLIBSAVF (Save Library  to Save  File) tool saves  one or
       more libraries to save files in  a specified library.  There  is
       very little  conceptual  difference between  SAVLIBSAVF and  the
       system  virtual  tape   support.    SAVLIBSAVF  saves  to  *SAVF
       objects  as opposed to  a stream file.   After saving to offline
       media  with a  normal  SAVxxx  command, the  DLTLIBSAVF  command
       deletes the save files or you may clear the library.

       Significant differences exist with the virtual tape support:

         --   SAVLIBSAVF    cannot    be   used    for    LIB(*NONSYS).
              LIB(*ALLUSR) is supported.

         --   Saving  to a  list of save  files does  not allow overlap
              of allocation and deallocation.

         --   SAVLIBSAVF  does   not   support  saving   IFS   objects.
              However,  before saving  the  library  to offline  media,
              you could  use the SAV command to save  to a save file in
              the backup library.

         --   When the backup library is  saved to offline media,  save
              files  are saved  rather  than  individual objects.    To
              recover,  you would restore  one or  more save  files and
              then  use  normal  RST  commands  from  the  online  save
              files.    If  you   rarely  use  a  RSTxxx  command   for
              recovery, this can be a could tradeoff.

       SAVLIBSAVF   defaults   to  DTACPR(*YES)   which   significantly
       reduces  the size  required, but  will require  more CPU.   This
       may be a good tradeoff depending on your requirements.

  **   The SRCARC (Source  Archive) tool is  designed for source  files
       and  allows multiple  online versions  per source  member.   The
       UPDSRCARC  command will add  new versions to  the source archive
       based on the last  change date of a  source member.  The  SRCARC
       tool can eliminate or  minimize the need to restore  source from
       offline media.

  **   The SPLARC  (Spool Archive) tool  allows you to  archive spooled
       files.   Each spooled  file is converted to  a data base member.
       The spooled files are  tracked both online and offline  based on
       specified  retention days.    Re-printing occurs  easily if  the
       data  base   file  containing  the  converted  spooled  file  is

  **   The DTAARC (Data  Archive) tool allows  you to create  duplicate
       files  on line  and have  multiple versions.   The  tool is  not
       intended to  replace normal saves, but  rather to provide online
       versions which  can be  reviewed without  restoring from  media.
       A similar  approach could  be done  with virtual  tape, but  you
       would have to manage the versions.

CRTVTP escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DLTVTP escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9894    No device, image catalog, or directory exists
      TAA9895    No device or image catalog exists.
                    A directory of the same name exists

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DSPVTP escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RDYVTP escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Some failure occurred.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RPLVTP escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTVTPRSC escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTVTP command parameters                             *CMD

   VRTTAP        The  name  of   the  virtual  tape  device  and  image
                 catalog to be created.

                 A  directory of  the same  name will  be created.   If
                 ASP(*SYSBAS) is  used, the /TAAVTP  directory will  be
                 created   if   it  does   not   already   exist.     A
                 sub-directory   /TAAVTP/xxxxx  will  also  be  created
                 where xxxxx is the VRTTAP value.

                 If an ASP name is  entered, the /TAAVTP directory  and
                 sub-directory will  be created  in the  directory with
                 the  same name as the  independent ASP.   The ASP must
                 be varied on  to perform any  of the xxxVTP  commands.

   DENSITY       The density  (optimum block size)  of the  tape blocks
                 to be used.

                 The  default  is  *DFT  which  is valid  if  you  have
                 entered   a  system   wide  default   using  EDTAPPVAL

                 The  valid   size  values   are  *VRT256K,   *VRT240K,
                 *VRT64K, or *VRT32K.

                 If a  *VRTnnnK density  is specified, it  should agree
                 with  the  block  size that  is  written  by  a SAVxxx
                 command when  USEOPTBLK(*YES) is  specified.   If  you
                 don't  know  the  size,  mount   one  of  your  SAVxxx
                 USEOPTBLK(*YES) written tapes and specify:

                     DSPTAP   DEV(xxx) DATA(*LABELS)

                 The  'Block  length'  description  contains the  block
                 size in bytes  which is  the optimum  block size  used
                 by the save.

                 The  following chart  should  assist you  in  entering
                 the density parameter.

                    Block length          DENSITY
                    in bytes              Parameter
                    ------------          ---------

                      262144              *VRT256K
                      245769              *VRT240K
                       65536              *VRT64K
                       32768              *VRT32K

                 The  special  value   *TAPDEV  may  be  entered  which
                 requires  a  tape device  to be  named for  the TAPDEV
                 parameter.   Specifying the  tape  device name  allows
                 CRTVTP  to  determine the  optimum  block  size to  be
                 used.   For  example, if  the tape  device is  a 6384,
                 the optimum  block size  is *VRT256K  and will  always
                 be used.

                 However,  for some  device  types,  the optimum  block
                 size  used is  determined by  the  media type  that is
                 mounted when  the tape  is  actually written.    Since
                 the tape  media is  normally not  mounted when a  save
                 occurs  to virtual  tape,  you must  know  the optimum
                 block  size ahead of  time.  If you  are not sure, use
                 DSPTAP  as   described   previously  and   specify   a
                 *VRTnnnK value.

                 If *TAPDEV  is specified, an  informational message is
                 sent  describing  the  *VRTnnnK  value  that  will  be
                 used.   This should  normally agree  with the  optimum
                 block size of  the block length of your  save tape and
                 the  TODENSITY parameter on DUPTAP.   Some differences
                 are valid, but be sure to check a sample restore.

   TAPDEV        The tape device  to be used  to determine the  optimum
                 block size.   The default  is *NONE meaning  the value
                 specified for the DENSITY parameter will be used.

                 If DENSITY(*TAPDEV)  is specified, you  must specify a
                 valid  tape  device  name.    This  allows  CRTVTP  to
                 determine the optimum  block density  value.  See  the
                 previous  comments  for   the  DENSITY  parameter  for
                 whether you can use a device name.

                 Some  devices like  3490  support two  different media
                 sizes and you  must specify a  *VRTnnnK value for  the
                 DENSITY parameter.

   RSRCNAME      The virtual tape resource name.

                 TAPVRTNN is the default when entered as

                 A  specific  TAAVRTnn  name  must be  entered  for  an
                 existing   available  virtual  tape   resource.    Use
                 DSPVTP  to  determine   any  available  virtual   tape
                 resources  that can  be  used.   Any  resource in  the
                 section  'Available  Virtual  Tape Resources'  may  be
                 used.   If none exist, use  CRTVTPRSC to add a virtual
                 tape   resource.       The   system   assigns    names
                 TAPVRT01-TAPVRT9999  when a  new resource  is created,
                 but only 35 may exist at a time.

   MAXSTG        The  maximum  storage  in GB.    The  default  is *DFT
                 which means 50% of  the unused space in  ASP 1.   This
                 is not  the allocated size,  but rather the  size used
                 by  the  system support  to  determine  when to  start
                 another virtual tape volume.

                 If the size  specified is not  sufficient to hold  the
                 data to  be  saved, the  system automatically  creates
                 another  volume  in the  image  catalog  with a  large
                 maximum  size.   This complicates  the DUPTAP function
                 as you  must  do  a  unique DUPTAP  command  for  each

                 The  simplest  solution  is   to  allow  a  sufficient
                 maximum  size  to  avoid  having  the  system generate
                 another tape volume in the image catalog.

                 If there  is only  one volume  in  the image  catalog,
                 but DUPTAP  cannot write  all of the  saved data  to a
                 single  media volume,  normal prompting will  occur to
                 request mounting  of  additional media.    Normal  RST
                 commands  can be  used and  will  request mounting  of
                 additional media.

                 The  CRTVTP  completion   message  will  describe  the
                 amount  of storage  specified for  the volume.   If it
                 is too  low, use  DLTVTP  and re-enter  CRTVTP with  a
                 larger size.

   ASP           The ASP to  place the data in.   This entry determines
                 the directory that will be used.

                 The  default  is  *SYSBAS which  means  ASP  1  of the
                 system ASP.

                 A specific independent ASP name may be entered.

   TEXT          The text description assigned  to the tape device  and
                 image catalog.

                 *DFT is the  default.  This will  create a description
                 of  'Created by TAA  CRTVTP on xx/xx/xx'.   If command
                 prompting is used,  the prompt  override program  will
                 supply this value for the text description.

                 A specific text description may be entered.

                 The value of the  ASP parameter is stored in  the last
                 10  bytes  of  the  Image  Catalog  text  description.
                 This  data should  be left as  is to  allow the DLTVTP
                 command to clean up the data and directory entry.

   AUT           The authority to the  tape device description and  the
                 image catalog.

                 *EXCLUDE is  the default.   Only those users  you want
                 to  be able to  use a virtual tape  device should have
                 *USE authority to the device description.

                 *CHANGE, *USE, or *ALL may be specified.

   DIRAUT        The authority to the IFS directory.

                 *EXCLUDE is the default.

                 *RWX, *RX, *RW, *WX, *R,  *W, or *X may be  specified.

DLTVTP command parameters                             *CMD

   VRTTAP        The  name  of  the   virtual  tape  device  and  image
                 catalog that was created by CRTVTP.

                 Only  a  virtual  tape  device  that  was  created  by
                 CRTVTP can  be  deleted.   The  user  must  have  *ALL
                 authority  to  both  the tape  device  and  the  image

                 Both  the virtual  tape device  and the  image catalog
                 will  be deleted  along with  the sub  directory.  The
                 TAAVTP directory  and the  virtual tape resource  will

DSPVTP command parameters                              *CMD

   DTAARA        A  *YES/*NO value for  whether the  list as  shown for
                 the  available virtual tape resources  (those that are
                 not  assigned  to  a  virtual  tape  device)  will  be
                 output to the TAAVTP data area in QTEMP.

                 *NO is the default.  No data area will be created.

                 *YES may be  specified to create or  change the TAAVTP
                 data  area in  QTEMP with  the available  virtual tape
                 resource names.    Each  name takes  10  bytes.    The
                 remaining  area  will  be blank.    If  no  names  are
                 available, the entire data area will be blank.

                 You can access the first name on the list with:

                    RTVDTAARA   DTAARA(QTEMP/TAAVTP (1 10))

   OUTPUT        How  to  output the  results.   *  is  the default  to
                 display  the  VRTTAP spooled  file  if the  command is
                 entered interactively.   The spooled  file is  deleted
                 after it is displayed.

                 If  the  command is  entered  in  batch  or *PRINT  is
                 specified,  the spooled  file is output  and retained.

RDYVTP command parameters                             *CMD

   IMGCLG        The name  of the  image catalog  that  was created  by
                 CRTVTP.   The image catalog will  be ensured to  be in
                 a  'ready'  status  and  the  corresponding device  is
                 'varied on'.

                 *ALL is  the default  for all  image catalogs  created
                 by CRTVTP.

                 A  specific image  catalog created  by  CRTVTP may  be

RPLVTP command parameters                             *CMD

   VRTTAP        The  name  of   the  virtual  tape  device  and  image
                 catalog that was created by CRTVTP.

                 Only  a  virtual  tape  device  that  was  created  by
                 CRTVTP can  be  replaced.   The  user must  have  *ALL
                 authority  to  both  the  tape device  and  the  image

                 The  current  attributes  are  extracted  and used  to
                 re-create the structure.   Both DLTVTP and CRTVTP  are
                 used  internally.    If  you   have  not  changed  the
                 attributes  (eg  with  the  CHGIMGCLGE  command),  the
                 structure will  look  the  same as  you  created  with

                 The authorizations  are copied  from the current  tape
                 device and image catalog to the new objects.

WRKVTP command parameters                             *CMD

No parameters exist.

CRTVTPRSC command parameters                          *CMD

No parameters exist.


You   must   have  *USE   authority   to  the   TAAVTP   and  TAACVTIFS
Authorization Lists to use the commands.

Only  a  virtual tape  structure created  by CRTVTP  may be  deleted by
DLTVTP or replaced by RPLVTP.

The ASP  parameter value  specified on  CRTVTP is  placed in  positions
41-50 of the  image catalog text description.  This  value must be left
as is.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHGOBJD2        Change object description 2
     CHKIFSE         Change IFS entry
     CVTOBJD         Convert object description
     CVTIMGCLG       Convert image catalog
     CVTIMGCLGE      Convert image catalog entries
     DSPTAPLBL       Display tape label
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDEVTAP       Retrieve device tape
     RTVSPCAUT       Retrieve special authority
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     RTVTAPLBL       Retrieve tape label
     RTVVTPRSC       Retrieve virtual tape resource
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDLNGMSG       Send long message
     SWPUSRPRF       Swap user profile


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTVTP        *CMD                   TAATAPN       QATTCMD
   DLTVTP        *CMD                   TAATAPN2      QATTCMD
   CRTVTPRSC     *CMD                   TAATAPN3      QATTCMD
   DSPVTP        *CMD                   TAATAPN4      QATTCMD
   RPLVTP        *CMD                   TAATAPN5      QATTCMD
   RDYVTP        *CMD                   TAATAPN6      QATTCMD
   WRKVTP        *CMD                   TAATAPN7      QATTCMD
   TAATAPNC      *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC      QATTCL
   TAATAPNC2     *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC2     QATTCL
   TAATAPNC3     *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC3     QATTCL
   TAATAPNC4     *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC4     QATTCL
   TAATAPNC5     *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC5     QATTCL
   TAATAPNC6     *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC6     QATTCL
   TAATAPNC7     *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC7     QATTCL
   TAATAPNC11    *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC11    QATTCL
   TAATAPNC14    *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC14    QATTCL
   TAATAPNC17    *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC17    QATTCL
   TAATAPNC18    *PGM       CLP         TAATAPNC18    QATTCL
   TAATAPNR4     *PGM       RPG         TAATAPNR4     QATTRPG

The CRTVTP Application Value (*USRSPC) exists in TAASECURE.


CRTVTP      Cmd
   TAATAPNC   CL pgm
     TAATAPNC11   CL pgm for prompt override

DLTVTP      Cmd
   TAATAPNC2  CL pgm

   TAATAPNC3  CL pgm

DSPVTP      Cmd
   TAATAPNC4  CL pgm
     TAATAPNR4  RPG pgm
       TAATAPNC14   CL pgm

RPLVTP      Cmd
   TAATAPNC5  CL pgm

RDYVTP      Cmd
   TAATAPNC6  CL pgm

WRKVTP      Cmd
   TAATAPNC7  CL pgm
     TAATAPNR7  RPG pgm
       TAATAPNC14  CL pgm to access size
       TAATAPND  Dsp file
       TAATAPNC17   Sub pgm for options and F keys
         TAATAPNC18    Sub pgm for vary on of IASP
           TAATAPNE      Dsp file

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 15, 2006

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