TAA Tools

The Convert From  Output Queue command  converts all the  spooled files
in a  named output queue to a  data base file in a  named library.  The
companion  command  is  CVTTOOUTQ  to convert  the  data  base  file to
spooled files.   Spool APIs are  used so there  are no restrictions  on
the the type of data or attributes that can be converted.

CVTFRMOUTQ  is a  front end  to the  CVTFRMSPLF tool  which  converts a
single  spooled file using  system APIs.   CVTTOOUTQ is a  front end to
the CVTTOSPLF command (part of the CVTFRMSPLF tool).

A typical command would be:

             CVTFRMOUTQ   OUTQ(xxx) CVTSPLP(yyy)

Each spooled file in the output  queue would be converted if it is  not
in the 'Open' status.

If the  CVTSPLP file does  not exist, it will  be created if  a library
is named.  SIZE(*NOMAX) is used for each member.

Member  names are automatically  assigned using a  naming convention of
MBR00001,  MBR00002,  etc.    The   text  description  of  the   member

        Spooled file name
        Qualified job name
        Spooled file open date

The number  of spool files  that can  be converted at  any one time  is
limited to  32767 - the maximum  number of members in  a database file.

The  DSPMBRS  TAA command  may  be used  to  display a  subfile  of the
members of the data base file.

To convert the  data base file  back to a  spooled file, the  user must
be authorized to the TAACVTSPLF authorization list.

A typical  command to  convert all  the members in  the data  base file
back to spooled files would be:

            CVTTOOUTQ    CVTSPLP(zzz)

By  default,  the  same  output queue  and  owner  as  assigned  to the
original spooled  file would be  used.   You may  optionally change  to
use  a different  output  queue and  change the  owner  to the  current

Comparison with CVTFRMSPLF

The  CVTFRMSPLF tool provides  a means  of converting a  single spooled
file in an output queue.

The companion command is CVTTOSPLF.   CVTTOSPLF supports only a  single
member.    A  specific member  name  may  be  specified  on  CVTTOOUTQ.
CVTTOSPLF also supports the ability to rename the spooled file.

Comparison to CPYFRMOUTQ

The  CPYFRMOUTQ  tool uses  the  system CPYSPLF  command  to convert  a
spooled  file to a  data base file.   This is  adequate for simple use,
but  the  CVTFRMSPLF  command  (and  CVTFRMOUTQ)  offer  the  following

  **   No restrictions  exist regarding  the type of  data that  can be
       converted.   CPYSPLF does  not retain  special printer graphics.

  **   The spooled file  attributes are retained.   The data base  file
       created by  CPYSPLF does  not contain  any of  the spooled  file
       attributes  such  as page  size,  characters per  inch,  or form

  **   The  convert  performance  is   much  better  with   CPYFRMOUTQ.
       System APIs are used to  write the data to a user  space where a
       program  then rewrites  the  data to  a data  base  file member.
       CPYSPLF  must regenerate each print line  from the form which is
       kept internally.  The  API writes the internal form to  the user

CVTFRMOUTQ Command parameters                         *CMD

   OUTQ          The  qualified name  of  the output  queue to  convert
                 the  spooled   files  from.    The  library  qualifier
                 defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB may be used.

   CVTSPLP       The file  to output  the converted  spooled file  data
                 to.   CVTSPLP is  the default.   *LIBL is  the default
                 for the library.

                 *LIBL  may not be used  if the file does  not exist on
                 the library list.

                 If the file  does not  exist and a  library is  named,
                 the  file will  be  created  and the  assigned  member
                 name will  be MBR00001.   If the file  already exists,
                 the  assigned  member name  will  be one  greater than
                 the last member name in the file.

                 The  member text  description  contains  the  original
                 spooled  file name,  the qualified  job name,  and the
                 spooled  file open date.  The  TAA Tool DSPMBRS may be
                 used to  provide  a subfile  display of  the  existing
                 members in the file.

                 The file  to be  used must  be a  data physical  file.
                 Source  files or logical  files may  not be used.   If
                 you  create   your   own  file   (rather   than   have
                 CVTFRMSPLF  or   CVTFRMOUTQ  create  the   file),  use
                 CRTDUPPF of the file TAASPMEP in TAATOOL.

   TEXT          The  text  description  for  the  CVTSPLP file.    The
                 default  is  *DFT  meaning  1)  If  the  CVTSPLP  file
                 exists,  the  text  is  not  changed  and  2)  If  the
                 CVTSPLP file  does not exist,  default text 'Converted
                 spooled file' is used.

                 If  a  value  is  entered,  it  becomes  the  text  of
                 CVTSPLP file.

   DLTSPLF       A  *YES/*NO   option  that   determines  whether   the
                 spooled  file that  was  converted  should be  deleted
                 after  conversion.  The  default is *NO  to retain the
                 spooled file.

                 *YES may be specified to delete the spooled file.

CVTTOOUTQ Command parameters                          *CMD

   CVTSPLP       The  file  where  the  converted  spooled  file   data
                 exists.  *LIBL is the default.

                 The file must  have been written to by  the CVTFRMOUTQ
                 or CVTFRMSPLF commands.

   MBR           The  member  name to  be  converted.   The  default is
                 *ALL to convert all members in the named file.

                 Member   names  are  assigned  a  value  of  MBR00001,
                 MBR00002, etc.   The member text description  contains
                 the  original spooled  file  name,  the qualified  job
                 name,  and the spooled  file open date.   The TAA Tool
                 DSPMBRS may  be  used  to  display a  subfile  of  the
                 existing members in the file.

                 The  member  must  have  been written  by  either  the
                 CVTFRMSPLF or CVTFRMOUTQ command.

   OUTQ          The   qualified  name  of  the   output  queue  to  be
                 assigned to the spooled files.   The default is  *SAME
                 meaning  the  same   output  queue  as   the  original
                 spooled  file.   If  no  library  is  named, the  same
                 library  as  the original  spooled file  is used.   If
                 *SAME is used and  the original output queue  does not
                 exist on the current system, QPRINT is assigned.

                 *SAME  may be  used for  the same  output queue  and a
                 different library named.

                 If  a different output  queue is named  and no library
                 qualifier exists, *LIBL is assumed.

   OWNER         The owner of  the spooled  files to be  written.   The
                 default is  *SAME meaning the  same owner as  the user
                 profile  on the  current system.    If *SAME  is used,
                 the original  owner name  must be  a user  profile  on
                 the current system  and the job name assigned  will be

                 *CURRENT may  be entered to allow the  current user to
                 become  the owner of the spooled  files.  The job name
                 assigned will be the current job.

   HOLD          Whether to  hold the spooled  files.   The default  is
                 *SAME  meaning  the same  value  as  when the  spooled
                 files were converted.

                 *NO  may be specified  to not hold  the spooled files.

                 *YES may be specified to hold the spooled files.


The two  commands work together.   Any  use of  CVTTOOUTQ assumes  that
CVTFRMOUTQ or  CVTFRMSPLF was used  to create  the member.   You should
not make any modifications to the data in the named data base file.

CVTTOOUTQ  uses DSPFD  to determine the  member list.   If a  member is
exclusively allocated, the member will not exist in the list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CHKJOBCTL       Check job control
     CVTFRMSPLF      Convert from spooled file
     CVTOUTQ         Convert output queue
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTFRMOUTQ    *CMD                   TAASPMF       QATTCMD
   CVTTOOUTQ     *CMD                   TAASPMF2      QATTCMD
   TAASPMFC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPMFC      QATTCL
   TAASPMFC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMFC2     QATTCL
   TAASPMFR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPMFR      QATTRPG
   TAASPMFR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMFR2     QATTRPG


   TAASPMFC   CL pgm

   TAASPMFC2   CL pgm
     TAASPMFR2   RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 1, 1998

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