TAA Tools

The Convert  Job Accounting 3  command is designed  to convert the  job
accounting  and/or  the  print accounting  print  entries  as they  are
written  to  the  job  accounting  journal.    The  command  should  be
submitted to  batch, but remains  active and  acts like an  interactive
job.   A delay time parameter  exists to provide for  a periodic wakeup
of  the  function.    CVTJOBACG3  is  an  alternate  conversion  method
instead of the CVTJOBACG command  (part of JOBACG) and CVTPRTACG  (part

The JOBACG/PRTACGP tools must be used to create the required files.

The  user   of  CVTJOBACG3   must  be   authorized  to   the  TAAJOBACG
authorization list.

A  typical use  of CVTJOBACG3  would be  to submit  the command  to the
QINTER or QSYSNOMAX job queue (the job acts as an interactive job).


The  default  is   to  convert  Job   Accounting  entries  (not   Print
Accounting  entries).     The  CVTJOBACG3   command  begins   by  using
CVTJOBACG which is  a batch like function to  catch up with any entries
that  exist in the journal.   FIRSTENTRY(*FIRST) is specified to ensure
any existing entries are converted.

CVTJOBACG3 then uses  the TAA Tool  MTNJRN to change  to a new  journal

RCVJRNE  is then used  to receive  the next  entry from  the accounting
journal  (QACGJRN).   The exit program  (specified on  RCVJRNE) is used
to convert the journal entry and write it to the JOBACGP file.

The default delay time  on CVTJOBACG3 is 27  seconds.  This means  that
the command  wakes up every  27 seconds and  converts any  new entries.
Therefore,  the DSPJOBACG  command  (part of  the JOBACG  tool)  or the
DSPACGRCD command (DSPACGRCD  tool) will find  any completed jobs  that
have ended in the last 27 seconds.

You may set a smaller or larger delay time.

Converting Print Accounting Entries

You may  convert either  or both  the Job Accounting  entries (see  the
JOBACG  tool) or Print  Accounting entries (see  the PRTACG tool).   In
the   following  discussions,   most  of   the  comments   relative  to
CVTJOBACG3 are applicable to both JOBACG and PRTACG.

Ending the Submitted Job

You may end  the job by  entering ENDJOB for the  job and specifying  a
delay time  that is  greater than the  DLYTIM specified  on CVTJOBACG3.
This should cause the job to end normally.

Working in Conjunction with CVTJOBACG

You  may  use  both  CVTJOBACG  and  CVTJOBACG3  (and/or CVTPRTACG  and
CVTJOBACG3) to  convert journal  entries,  but not  at the  same  time.
The commands  allocate the  JOBACGP (and/or  PRTACGP) file  to *SHRNUP.
This   prevents  a  potential  conflict   between  the  two  functions.
CVTJOBACG2 (or CVTPRTACG2)  allows conversion of  journal entries  from
other systems  uses the default  *SHRUPD lock, but  cannot be run  when
either CVTJOBACG (and/or CVTPRTACG) or CVTJOBACG3 is in use.

Changing receivers while CVTJOBACG3 is active

If  the receiver  is  changed while  CVTJOBACG3 is  active,  no entries
will be lost.

You may delete a receiver that is not active while CVTJOBACG3.

Need to shutdown the CVTJOBACG3 command

The  CVTJOBACG3 cannot be  used on a  continuous basis.   You will need
to shut down the function for the following typical situations:

  **   Backup of  the JOBACGP (and/or  PRTACG) file  - the file  cannot
       be saved  if it is open  for update unless save  while active is

  **   MTNJOBACG  (and/or  MTNPRTACG)  usage -  when  you  maintain the
       JOBACGP (and/or PRTACGP) file to remove old entries.

  **   CVTJOBACG2 (and/or  CVTPRTACG2) -  for converting  entries  from
       other systems.   This  is an  optional function  and may not  be


The  overall  impact   on  the  system  for  CVTJOBACG3  is  more  than
CVTJOBACG (and/or  CVTPRTACG).   You  may  improve the  performance  of
CVTJOBACG3 by using a larger DLYTIM value.

A  good method  of determining  the  impact of  performance  is to  use
CVTJOBACG3 for  awhile, end the  job, start it  again and then  look at
the  performance information of  the job using DSPACGRCD.   If you feel
the amount  of  CPU  time is  excessive  for  your system,  you  should
consider CVTJOBACG (and/or CVTPRTACG) instead.


The  user  of  the  CVTJOBACG3   command  must  be  authorized  to  the
TAAJOBACG  authorization list.  This authorization  list is provided by
the JOBACG  tool and  is  also required  for CVTJOBACG  and  CVTJOBACG2

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   JOBACGLIB     The  name of  the  library  where the  Job  Accounting
                 files  exist.   The  default  is *LIBL.    *CURLIB may
                 also be used.

                 If JOBACG(*YES) is  specified, the  JOBACGP file  must
                 be found.   If PRTACG(*YES) is specified,  the PRTACGP
                 file  must  be found.    If  you  are converting  both
                 types  of accounting  information, both  files must be
                 found on  the  library list  or both  must  be in  the
                 library you specify.

   DLYTIM        The  number of  seconds  to delay  when  there are  no
                 more  entries to convert.   The default is  27 to work
                 with the ENDJOB DELAY parameter.

   JOBACG        Whether to  convert the  Job Accounting  entries  from
                 the journal.  The default is *YES.

                 *NO should  be specified if  you only want  to convert
                 the Print Accounting entries.

   PRTACG        Whether  to convert the Print  Accounting entries from
                 the journal.  The default is *NO.

                 *YES should be  specified if you  want to convert  the
                 Print Accounting entries.   At least PRTACG  or JOBACG
                 must  be *YES.   Both entries  may be *YES  to convert
                 both types of entries.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTDAT          Convert date
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     JOBACG          Job accounting
     PRTACG          Print accounting
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None,  the  tool  is ready  to  use.   You  must have  used  the JOBACG
(and/or PRTACG) tool to create the required files.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTJOBACG3    *CMD                   TAAACGD       QATTCMD
   TAAACGDC      *PGM       CLP         TAAACGDC      QATTCL
   TAAACGDC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAACGDC2     QATTCL
   TAAACGDR      *PGM       RPG         TAAACGDR      QATTRPG
   TAAACGDR11    *PGM       RPG         TAAACGDR11    QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 1, 1997

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