TAA Tools
PRTPAGRNG       PRINT PAGE RANGE                       TAASPLY

The Print Page Range  command offers a convenient method  of printing a
subset  of  a  spooled  file.    PRTPAGRNG  does  a  CPYSPLF  and  then
re-prints  a spooled file  that will contain  only the requested pages.
Only normal DP  output is supported  (no special graphics).   PRTPAGRNG
may  be used  in some  cases when  the system  spool support  cannot be
used or has restrictions when using a page range on a spooled file.

A typical command would be:

             PRTPAGRNG   FILE(xxx) FROMPAGE(15) TOPAGE(21)

The  spooled file  would be re-printed  to the  specified output queue.
By default, the new spooled  file name would be  the old name with a  2
on the end such as PAYROLL becomes PAYROLL2.

Only  pages 15  thru  21 would  be  included.   The  15th  page of  the
spooled file  may or may not be the 15th  page number as written by the
application that  originally created  the spooled  file.   If the  15th
page has  a heading that  says 'Page  15', it appears  as 'Page 15'  in
the new spooled file.

You may print the last page with the command:

             PRTPAGRNG   FILE(xxx) FROMPAGE(*LAST)

You  may print from  a page  to the  end of the  spooled file  with the


The  system supported  method of  printing a range  of pages  by use of
the PAGERANGE  parameter on CHGSPLFA  is more  efficient.  However,  it
may be  more convenient to use  PRTPAGRNG which also has  the advantage
that  the original  spooled file is  still ready  to be  printed in its
entirety (you do not need to reset the PAGERANGE parameter).

The user of  the command  becomes the  owner of the  new spooled  file.
The default output  queue of the user  of the command will  contain the
new spooled file.

Page N of N indication

You may  optionally request a string of  text that includes the current
page number and total pages to print  on a specific line on each  page.
The intent is to be able to print a line such as:

               2 of 27

See the  parameters  for Page  Indication.   The  parameters will  only
appear if you use F9 on the command prompt.


The PRTPAGRNG  command does CPYSPLF to a data  base member in QTEMP and
then  rewrites a  subset of  the file to  a new  member.   CPYF is then
used to re-print the  data with *FCFC (first character  forms control).

PRTPAGRNG command parameters                          *CMD

   FILE          The spooled file name to be re-printed.

   TOOUTQ        The  qualified  name of  the  output  queue where  the
                 subset  spooled file will be written.   The default is
                 *PRTF meaning  to  use the  output queue  defined  for
                 the   printer  file   as  specified   on  the   TOPRTF

                 If  an  output  queue  is  specified,  a blank  output
                 queue library  name defaults  to *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may
                 be  specified.      Using  other   than  the   default
                 overrides the value specified in the printer file.

                 If you  take the default  for both TOOUTQ  and TOPRTF,
                 the  spooled file  is written  to the  QSYSPRT printer
                 file.  The QSYSPRT  file is shipped with a  default of
                 *JOB for  the OUTQ parameter meaning  the output queue
                 associated with your job would be used.

   FROMPAGE      The  'from page  number' to  begin the  re-print from.
                 The default  is 1.   The  special value  *LAST may  be
                 used for  the last page in  the file.  The  value must
                 be equal or less than the TOPAGE value.

   TOPAGE        The  'to page  number' to  end the  re-print at.   The
                 default is *LAST  meaning the last  page in the  file.

   JOB           The qualified name  of the job containing  the spooled
                 file.  * is the default meaning the current job.

   SPLNBR        The  spooled  file  number.    The default  is  *ONLY.
                 *LAST  may be specified or  a specific 4 digit number.

   TOPRTF        The qualified name of  the printer file to be  used to
                 reprint  the  data.   The  default  is  QSYSPRT.   The
                 library   defaults   to  *LIBL.      *CURLIB   may  be

                 Most of the attributes from  the printer file will  be
                 used  except  for  OUTQ  (may  be  overridden  by  the
                 TOOUTQ   parameter),   SPLFNAME   (from  the   NEWSPLF
                 parameter), and  USRDTA  (PRTPAGRNG is  used).    Page
                 size, overflow  line, page width,  LPI, CPI,  etc come
                 from the spooled file being copied.

                 You may  use an OVRPRTF  command in your  job prior to
                 using  PRTPAGRNG  to specify  individual  printer file
                 attributes.  The  attributes will be  merged according
                 to the rules of override processing.

                 For  example,  you could  use  an  OVRPRTF command  to
                 file  QSYSPRT  and specify  the value  for  the COPIES

   NEWSPLF       The new spooled  file name  to be used.   The  default
                 is  *DFT  which  means  the  same  name  as  the  FILE
                 parameter  will be used  with a  2 added to  the name.
                 For  example,  if   the  original   spooled  file   is
                 PAYROLL,  the  new spooled  file  would  be  PAYROLL2.
                 The  value of  this parameter  overrides the  value of
                 the   SPLFNAME  parameter  specified   in  the  TOPRTF
                 printer file.

   DBCSDATA      A *YES/*NO option for  whether the file contains  DBCS

                 *NO is the default.

                 If  *YES is  specified, the  internal file  is created
                 to  allow DBCS data  and the print line  is shifted to
                 the left one position.

   PAGIND        Whether to print  a page  indication such  as 'Page  N
                 of N'.  The default is *NO.

                 *YES  may be  specified  to print  a page  indication.
                 18  positions must be  reserved on a  specific line of
                 each page.

   PAGINDLIN     The line  to  print  the  page  indication  on.    The
                 default is  1.   This means  the first  print line  on
                 each page (it may not be line 1 of the page).

   PAGINDPOS     The   position  on  the   print  line  for   the  page
                 indication.   18 bytes  will be printed.   The default
                 is 80.

                 You  may  precede  the  position  with   a  word  like
                 'Page'.    For example,  if  you  wanted  a string  of
                 'Page  N of  N' and  you use PAGINDPOS(45),  you would
                 output the  word 'Page'  from your  program ending  in
                 position 43.

   PAGINDWRD     The word  to use  instead of  'of' for  the string  of
                 text 'N  of N'.  This allows a text  string of 'N - N'
                 or a  language translation.    Up to  6 bytes  may  be


Only DP output (no special printer graphics) may be used.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVSPLFA     Retrieve spooled file attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTPAGRNG     *CMD                   TAASPLY       QATTCMD
   TAASPLYC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPLYC      QATTCL
   TAASPLYR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPLYR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools December 1, 1996

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