TAA Tools

The Retrieve  Message  Description 3  command retrieves  the format  of
the replacement  data descriptions for a specific message  ID.  A large
variable  is  returned  made  up  of 20  byte  elements  for  up  to 49
replacement  descriptions.    Each  element  contains  the   type,  the
length, and  the number of decimal  positions if any.   The QMHRTVM API
is used.

When  writing  a  loop to  process  the elements,  a  blank  entry will
always exist after the last value.

The format of each element is:

         1 - 2   The number of the replacement value
         3 - 5   The length of the replacement value
         6 - 7   The number of decimal positions if the
                   type is decimal.
         8 - 17  The type of replacement value
        18 - 20  Reserved

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL       &RPLDSC *CHAR LEN(1000)
             DCL       &RPLVAL *CHAR LEN(20)
             DCL       &RX *DEC LEN(3 0) VALUE(-19)
             DCL       &RPLNBR *CHAR LEN(2)
             DCL       &RPLLEN *CHAR LEN(3)
             DCL       &RPLDEC *CHAR LEN(2)
             DCL       &RPLTYP *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL       &NBRRPL *DEC LEN(3 0)
             DCL       &COUNT *DEC LEN(3 0)
             RTVMSGD3  MSGID(aaannnn) MSGF(xxx) +
             IF        (&COUNT *LE &NBRRPL) DO /* LE number */
             CHGVAR    &RX (&RX + 20)
             CHGVAR    &RPLVAL %SST(&RPLDSC &RX 20)
             CHGVAR    &RPLNBR %SST(&RPLVAL 1 2)
             CHGVAR    &RPLLEN %SST(&RPLVAL 3 3)
             CHGVAR    &RPLDEC %SST(&RPLVAL 6 2)
             CHGVAR    &RPLTYP %SST(&RPLVAL 8 10)
                       /*                                 */
                       /*   Your code to handle the value */
                       /*                                 */
                       /*                                 */
             GOTO      NXTRPL
             ENDDO     /* Some value */

Note that  the  &RPLDEC value  will  be blank  for  all but  *DEC  type

RTVMSGD3 escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVMSGD3 Command parameters                           *CMD

   MSGID         The   7  character   message   ID   to  retrieve   the
                 replacement format information for.

   MSGF          The  qualified name  of the  message file  to retrieve
                 from.   The  library  value  defaults  to  *LIBL.    A
                 specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   RPLDSC        The  return value  for  the replacement  descriptions.
                 Up  to  49  descriptions  may  be returned  (the  last
                 value  will be blank).   Each description  is 20 bytes
                 long with a format of:

                   1 - 2   The number of the replacement value
                   3 - 5   The length of the replacement data
                   6 - 7   The number of decimal positions if the
                              type is decimal
                   8 - 17  The type of replacement value
                  18 - 20  Reserved

                 All values are in character format.

                 This is  an optional  return value that  if used  must
                 be specified as *CHAR LEN(1000)

   NBRRPL        The  number  of  replacement  values defined  for  the
                 message description.

                 This  is an  optional return  value that if  used must
                 be specified as *DEC LEN(3 0).


Because RTVMSGD3 returns values, the command  may only be used in a  CL
type of program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVMSGD3      *CMD                   TAAMSKG       QATTCMD
   TAAMSKGC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSKGC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools January 15, 2013

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