TAA Tools

The   Retrieve  Output   Queue  Data   Queue   command  retrieves   the
information about  a spooled file that has just  entered the RDY status
in  an output queue.  A data queue  must be created to receive the data
queue entries.   This allows a  CL program to be  written to perform  a
typical  task  such as  moving  spooled  files in  a  RDY  status to  a
different output queue.

RTVOUTDTAQ  would normally be used  in a batch job  that is waiting for
a spooled file  to become RDY.   The batch job  would continue to  loop
on  the RTVOUTDTAQ  command  for  each spooled  file.    See the  later
coding for a typical use.

You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use RTVOUTDTAQ.

System support

The  system supports the  capability to send  an entry to  a data queue
when a spooled  file enters  the RDY status  in an  output queue  (DTAQ
parameter on  CRT/CHGOUTQ).   The  entry is  sent only  when a  spooled
file  is in  the RDY  status.   Typical  reasons for  entering  the RDY

  **   The  spooled  file is  specified  as SCHEDULE(*FILEEND)  and the
       file is complete.

  **   The spooled file is  specified as SCHEDULE(*JOBEND) and  the job
       is complete.

  **   The spooled file is held and then released.

  **   The spooled  file was specified  as SAVE(*YES).   After printing
       the  status is SAV.   If  the file is  released, it  goes to the
       RDY status.

Note that no  entry if sent  is the spooled  file is deleted,  changed,
held etc.   Only a change  (such as a  new spooled file) that  places a
spooled  file in the  RDY status  will cause a  data queue entry  to be

If the output queue  already contains spooled  files when the  function
is requested,  the existing  spooled files  do not cause  a data  queue
entry to be sent.

Multiple output queues may specify the same data queue.

Typical use of RTVOUTDTAQ

A  typical use  of RTVOUTDTAQ  is to  take some  action when  a spooled
file  goes into  the RDY  status.   The example  used assumes  that you
want to move such spooled files to a different output queue.

Assume the output queue to  move from is OUTQFROM and the  output queue
to move to is OUTQTO.

You must first  create a data queue (assume DTAQ1) with  a length of at
least 128 bytes.

             CRTDTAQ    DTAQ(DTAQ1) MAXLEN(128)

It  is not necessary to use the  CHGOUTQ DTAQ parameter to identify the
data  queue to  be  used.    RTVOUTDTAQ  internal  processing  will  do
CHGOUTQ for  you.  If  the DTAQ  parameter has already  been specified,
it must be the same data queue as named on RTVOUTDTAQ.

When  the program with RTVOUTDTAQ  ends, the data  queue parameter will
be retained as specified.

You would need a  CL program submitted to  batch that begins by  moving
any existing  spooled  files to  another output  queue  and clears  the
data queue  of any existing  entries.  The  program would then  loop on
the RTVOUTDTAQ command and move each spooled file.

The  following  sample code  is  in a  format to  be  copied into  a CL

             DCL        &JOB *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &USER *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &JOBNBR *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &SPLF *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &SPLNBR *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &RTNOUTQ *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &RTNOUTQL *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &SYSNAM *CHAR LEN(8)
             DCL        &CRTDAT *CHAR LEN(7)
             DCL        &CRTTIM *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &RCDTYP *CHAR LEN(2)
                        /*                                          */
                        /*       Move any existing spooled files    */
                        /*         to the second output queue       */
                        /*                                          */
                        /*                                          */
                        /*       Clear the data queue               */
                        /*                                          */
             CLRDTAQ    DTAQ(DTAQ1)
                        /*                                          */
 RTV:                   /*       Retrieve spooled file in RDY       */
                        /*         status                           */
                        /*                                          */
                          JOB(&JOB) USER(&USER) JOBNBR(&JOBNBR) +
                          SPLF(&SPLF) SPLNBR(&SPLNBR) +
                          RTNOUTQ(&RTNOUTQ) RTNOUTQLIB(&RTNOUTQL) +
                          SYSNAM(&SYSNAM) CRTDAT(&CRTDAT) +
                          CRTTIM(&CRTTIM) RCDTYP(&RCDTYP)
             CHGSPLFA   FILE(&SPLF) JOB(&JOB *TCAT '/' *CAT +
                          &USER *TCAT '/' *CAT &JOBNBR) +
                          SPLNBR(&SPLNBR) OUTQ(OUTQTO)
             GOTO       RTV

The program would  continue to loop waiting  for a new entry  to occur.
The default is WAIT(*NOMAX) to wait forever.

You would end the batch job when the function is no longer needed.

RTVOUTDTAQ escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The WAIT time has expired.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   OUTQ          The qualified name  of the output queue to  be used to
                 send  entries for  when a  spooled file goes  into the
                 RDY status.

                 The library value  defaults to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB or  a
                 specific output queue may be named.

   DTAQ          The data  queue to  be sent  an entry  when a  spooled
                 file  in  the specified  output queue  becomes  in the
                 RDY status.

                 Note that no  entry is  sent if spooled  files in  the
                 RDY  status already  exist in  the  output queue  when
                 the  RTVOUTDTAQ begins.   Note that  no entry  is sent
                 if  the spooled  file is  placed in  a HLD  status, is
                 deleted, etc.   An entry will  be sent if the  spooled
                 file is in a HLD status and is changed to RDY.

                 An  entry is  sent if  a spooled  file is  in  the SAV
                 status and is released to the RDY status.

                 The  library value  defaults to  *LIBL.  *CURLIB  or a
                 specific output queue may be named.

   WAIT          The  number  of  seconds  to  wait  before  a  timeout
                 occurs.   *NOMAX is  the default  meaning the  program
                 will  never be returned  to unless a  data queue entry

                 If a  specific  wait  time  is  entered  and  expires,
                 TAA9891 is sent as an escape message.

   JOB           The job  name of the  spooled file that  is retrieved.
                 This  is  an optional  return  variable  that if  used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USER          The   user  who  created  the  spooled  file  that  is
                 retrieved.  This  is an optional return  variable that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   JOBNBR        The   job  number   of  the   spooled  file   that  is
                 retrieved.   This is an  optional return variable that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(6).

   SPLF          The spooled file name that  is retrieved.  This is  an
                 optional  return   variable  that  if  used   must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   SPLNBR        The  spooled file number  of the spooled  file that is
                 retrieved.  This is  an optional return variable  that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(6).

   RTNOUTQ       The  output  queue   of  the  spooled  file   that  is
                 retrieved.   This is an optional  return variable that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

                 Note  that  it  is possible  to  have  multiple output
                 queues use the same data queue.

   RTNOUTQLIB    The output queue library  of the spooled file that  is
                 retrieved.   This is an optional  return variable that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   SYSTEM        The  system name  where the  spooled file  was created
                 that  is  retrieved.    This  is  an  optional  return
                 variable  that if  used  must  be specified  as  *CHAR

   CRTDAT        The   create  date  of   the  spooled   file  that  is
                 retrieved  in  CYMD  format.    This  is  an  optional
                 return  variable that  if used  must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(7).

   CRTTIM        The   create  time  of   the  spooled  file   that  is
                 retrieved  in in HHMMSS  format.  This  is an optional
                 return variable  that  if used  must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(6).

   RCDTYP        The  record  type of  the  data  queue  entry that  is
                 retrieved.   The  system supports  only a  single type
                 '01' which will  be retrieved.   This  is an  optional
                 return  variable that  if used  must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(2).


Because the  command returns variables, RTVOUTDTAQ may  only be used in
a CL program.

You must have *JOBCTL special authority to use RTVOUTDTAQ.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKJOBCTL       Check *JOBCTL special authority
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     SNDDTAQ         Send data queue
     RTVDTAQD        Retrieve data queue description
     RTVOUTQA        Retrieve output queue attributes
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.   You must create a data queue of  with
a MAXLEN of at least 128 bytes.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVOUTDTAQ    *CMD                   TAASPOD       QATTCMD
   TAASPODC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPODC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2006

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