TAA Tools
WRKIFS          WORK IFS                               TAAIFST

The Work  IFS command  is designed for  those users  who are  trying to
cleanup  the IFS.   Selection  criteria exists  (such  as size  or last
used  date) which  can be  used to  minimize what  is displayed  in the
work display.  You  may also sequence the  display.  From the  display,
the  user can display  or print  attributes and  access WRKLNK  for any
object.  *STMF object types may be removed.

If  the default  for OBJ is  used, CVTIFS  is run  internally which can
take a long  time.  An  option exists to  use CVTIFS  ahead of time  to
create a file  (using OUTFILFMT = *TYPE2)  that can be used  by WRKIFS.

You  must be  authorized  to the  TAACVTIFS authorization  list  to use

A typical command would be:

             WRKIFS    OBJ(xxx) SIZE(1000000 *GE)

WRKIFS uses CVTIFS internally unless you  have done a prior CVTIFS  and
specify  OBJ(*EXISTS).    For   the  fastest  use  of  WRKIFS,   it  is
recommended that  you use CVTIFS  first (it can  be a long  runner) and
then  query  the output  with  the WRKIFS  command.   You  must specify
OUTFILFMT(*TYPE2) when using  CVTIFS.  The  file name must be  IFSDIRT.

If  WRKIFS is  used to  create the  IFSDIRT file,  the IFSDIRT  file is
left  in the library specified  (such as QTEMP).   You can then specify
OBJ(*EXISTS) and the IFSDIRPLIB library  to allow faster processing  of
a different type of request.

Differences with DSPIFS

DSPIFS  provides  the  same selection  and  sequencing  capability  and
prints  a listing.   Because the  object names  can be very  long, they
are truncated on the listing  so you may not  be able to determine  the
actual path name of an object you want to remove.

WRKIFS  allows  a  simple '4=Remove  option'  once  you  determine  the
object that should be removed.

You may  also use WRKIFS  with the '7=Print attributes'  option to hand
the  spooled output  to another  user to  either remove or  justify why
the object should exist.

WRKIFS escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   OBJ           The path  name of  the object  to be  converted.   The
                 object  path name  can be  either a  simple name  or a
                 name   that  is  qualified   with  the   name  of  the
                 directory  in  which  the  object  is  located.    The
                 default is *.

                 Specifying *  will start  the convert  process at  the
                 current  directory level.    If the  current directory
                 level is at the root  ('/'), the convert process  will
                 start at the home directory ('/home').

                 The  special  value  of  *IFS  may  also  be  entered.
                 Specifying  *IFS  will start  the  convert process  at
                 the   root  directory  level  ('/')  excluding  /QDLS,
                 /QOPT  and  /QSYS.LIB.    If  directories  are  to  be
                 excluded,  CVTIFS  must  be   used  with  the  OMITDIR

                 The  special value  *EXISTS may  be entered  if CVTIFS
                 has already been run and  you want to use the  created
                 outfile.  If  *EXISTS is used, the  IFSDIRPLIB and MBR
                 parameters  must  specify the  library  and  member of
                 the  existing  IFSDIRT   file.     You  must   specify
                 OUTFILFMT(*TYPE2) when using CVTIFS.

If WRKIFS is used to  create the IFSDIRT file, the file is  left in the
library specified  (such as QTEMP).  You  can then specify OBJ(*EXISTS)
and  the IFSDIRPLIB to  allow faster processing of  a different type of

   SORTBY        Whether  the  display   should  appear  in  a   sorted
                 sequence.   The default  is *NONE  meaning to  use the
                 sequence  of the data in the  IFSDIRT file (created by

                 *OWNER may be  entered to sort  by owner name  (IFOWNR

                 *SIZE  may be  entered  to sort  by  the  size of  the
                 object.   See the SIZETYPE  parameter for whether this
                 is the allocated or actual size of the object.

                 *CRTDATE may be entered to  sort by the creation  date
                 of the object (IFCRDT field).

                 *CHGATTR may  be entered  to sort  by the last  change
                 date of  the attributes of the  object (IFCHDT field).

                 *CHGDATA  may be  entered to  sort by  the last change
                 date of the data in the object (IFMODT field).

                 *USEDATE may  be  entered to  sort  by the  last  used
                 date of the object (IFLUDT field).

                 *DAYSUSED  may be  entered to  sort by  the  number of
                 days  used   (IFDYSU  field).    This  information  is
                 updated once  per  day.   It is  not  a count  of  the
                 number of times  used.  This data may  not be accurate
                 for system objects.

                 *TYPE  may be entered  to sort  by the type  of object
                 (IFOTYP field).

   SEQ           The sequence of  the sort if  specified.  The  default
                 is *ASCEND  for ascending sequence.   *DESCEND  may be
                 specified for descending sequence.

                 This parameter  is ignored if the  SORTBY parameter is

   OBJNAM        The object name to select.  The default is *ALL.

                 A  specific name  may be  entered or  a generic* name.
                 The generic  name  can be  any  one of  the  following

                      ABC* Select all names beginning with ABC.

                      A*C Select names like ABC ABBC AXYZC

                      A*C* Select names like ABC ABCD ABBCD

                      *AB* Select names like AAB AABC XAB XABC

                 however,  if an embedded  * exists  (such as  A*C), or
                 multiple  *s   (such  as  A*C*),  the  value  must  be
                 entered in quotes.

   OBJTYP        The object type  to select.  The  default is *ALL  for
                 all object types.   Some typical IFS  object types are
                 shown  in the command  prompt.  Depending  on the path
                 name, it is  also possible to  use other object  types
                 such as *LIB.

   OWNER         The owner  of the object  to select  on.  The  default
                 is *ALL for all owners.

                 A specific  user name (or a generic  user name) may be
                 entered or the special values:

                      *USER   for  non-system   supplied  user  profile

                      *SYS for system user profile names.

                 The determination of  whether the profile is  a system
                 supplied name is done by the tool RTVIBMPRF.

   SIZE          The  size selection  if any.   This  is a  two element

                 The  first element  is the  size value  which defaults
                 to *ALL meaning that size  will not be considered  for
                 selection.    A size  may  be  entered  that is  0  or
                 greater.     The  size  selected  on  depends  of  the
                 SIZETYPE value specified.

                 The  second  element  is  the  'size  operator'   that
                 determines  how  to  compare  the  size  value.    The
                 default  is *GE.   The standard Boolean  operators are
                 supported.   The  operator is  ignored for SIZE(*ALL).

   SIZETYPE      The type  of size  to be  displayed.   The value  also
                 determines    how   the    SIZE   and    SORTBY(*SIZE)
                 specifications will be processed.

                 *ALLOC  is the default  for the allocated  size of the
                 objects.   The IFASIZ  field  is used.   This  is  the
                 same  concept as  used  by  i5/OS where  object  sizes
                 shown  by   commands  such  as  DSPOBJD  are  for  the
                 allocated size.

                 *ACTUAL may be  specified for the  actual size of  the
                 objects.   The  IFOSIZ field  is used.    This is  the
                 size that  would be shown  if viewing the  object from
                 a PC.

   CRTDATE       The  create date of  the object to  select for if any.
                 This is a two element parameter.

                 The  first element  is  the  create date  value  which
                 defaults to  *ALL meaning  that create dates  will not
                 be  considered for selection.   A date  may be entered
                 in job format.  The field selected on is IFCRDT.

                 The second  element  is  the  'create  date  operator'
                 that  determines  how  to  compare   the  date.    The
                 default  is *GE.   The standard  Boolean operators are
                 supported.       The   operator    is   ignored    for

   CHGDATE       The change date  of the object  to select for  if any.
                 This is a two element parameter.

                 The  first  element is  the  change  date value  which
                 defaults  to *ALL  meaning that change  dates will not
                 be considered for  selection.  A  date may be  entered
                 in  job  format.    Both  the  attribute  change  date
                 (IFCHDT  field)  and  the  data  change  date  (IFMODT
                 field)  are   used   for  selection   with   an   'or'

                 The  second  element  is the  'change  date  operator'
                 that  determines   how  to  compare  the  date.    The
                 default is *GE.   The standard  Boolean operators  are
                 supported.       The   operator    is   ignored    for

   USEDATE       The 'last  used date' of  the object to  select for if
                 any.  This is a two element parameter.

                 The  first  element  is  the  'last  used  date' value
                 which  defaults  to  *ALL  meaning  that   'last  used
                 dates' will  not be considered for selection.   A date
                 may  be entered in job format.   The field selected on
                 is IFLUDT.

                 The second element  is the  'last used date  operator'
                 that  determines  how  to  compare   the  date.    The
                 default  is *GE.   The standard  Boolean operators are
                 supported.       The   operator    is   ignored    for

   DAYSUSED      The 'number of days  used' to select on if  any.  This
                 is a two element parameter.

                 The  first  element  is  the  'number of  days'  value
                 which  defaults to  *ALL meaning  that days  used will
                 not be considered  for selection.   A 'number of  days
                 used'  may be  entered  that  is 0  or  greater.   The
                 field selected on is IFDYSU.

                 The  second  element  is  the  'number  of  days  used
                 operator' that determines  how to  compare the  value.
                 The default  is *GE.   The standard  Boolean operators
                 are   supported.     The   operator  is   ignored  for

                 The system  only  updates this  information  once  per
                 day.  The value  does not reflect the number  of times
                 an  object  has  been  used.    The data  may  not  be
                 accurate for system objects.

   IFSDIRPLIB    The   library   of  the   existing  IFSDIRT   file  if
                 OBJ(*EXISTS)  is specified.    The default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

                 The file must  have been created by the  use of CVTIFS
                 with OUTFILFMT(*TYPE2).

   MBR           The   member   of  the   existing   IFSDIRT   file  if
                 OBJ(*EXISTS) is  specified.   The default  is  *FIRST.
                 *LAST may also be entered.

                 This   parameter  is   ignored  if   *EXISTS  is   not
                 specified for the OBJ parameter.

   USRPRF        The user  profile that will be  switched to during run
                 time.   QSECOFR  is the  default.   For  file  systems
                 (such as QNTC),  CVTIFS will fail if QSECOFR  does not

                 *CURRENT may  be used or a specific  user profile, but
                 the profile must have *ALLOBJ special authority.


You must be authorized to the TAACVTIFS authorization list.

A  maximum  of 9,999  IFS objects  can be  processed,  due to  a system
limitation.  Trying  to display a file  over 9,999 records will  result
in a  message stating all entries  cannot be displayed.   In this case,
the  user should  consider re-running CVTIFS  with a  greater filter to
reduce the resulting file size so all records can be shown.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKIFSE         Check IFS entry
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTTIM          Convert time
     DSPERRMSG       Display error message
     DSPIFSED        Display IFS entry description
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     PMTOPR          Prompt operator
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   WRKIFS        *CMD                   TAAIFST       QATTCMD
   TAAIFSTC      *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSTC      QATTCL
   TAAIFSTC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSTC2     QATTCL
   TAAIFSTR      *PGM       RPG         TAAIFSTR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 1, 2002

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